Chapter 3: The plan in motion

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The next morning I woke up with a sore neck.

"Ow," I said rubbing it, I could barely turn my head. I rolled my head around until it popped slightly and I got some relief. I felt some one staring at me, so I looked over to see Stoick staring at me. I gave out a small frightened scream and jumped putting my hand over my heart.

"Jeez you nearly scared me half to death." I said, then I remembered the night before and my plan. "are there guards at the end of the tunnel?"

He nodded with confusion clear in his features. I smirked as I walked towards the cage door making my leg squeak with all the gizmos.

"I really need to fix that." I muttered to my self before banging at the door.

"HEY!" I shouted to the guards. "I'LL DO WHAT ALVIN WANTS!"

"Whoa-whoa. what are you doing?" Stoick asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Alvin can't be in control of dragons."

"And he won't." I whispered back as the guards came towards our cage. "I have a plan."


"And he won't." he hissed in a whisper as the guards came closer to the cage. "I have a plan."

"Oh." I said surprised. It only takes that long to come up with a plan? I stayed up all night thinking of one and he already has one.

"Follow my lead." he said with a glint in his eye. The guards unlocked the cage and grabbed us by the arms and took us to where Blake (a/n:: Hiccups cover name) was brought in.

"I'm glad you decided to join us." Alvin smirked from a chair he was sitting in, much like a throne but I was pretty sure it was made out of bones. Blake didn't answer. He just narrowed his eyes at Alvin.

"LET OUT THE DRAGON!" Alvin barked at the outcasts. "and make sure that we keep Stoick tied up because this hero won't let harm come to anyone."

Oh, great. I hope Blake knows what he's doing. The guards tied me up as the other ones started to unlock a big cage and the ones holding Blake went to the exits to guard them.

Out of the cage came a monstrous nightmare which set himself on fire. This situation seemed all to familiar except now I'm in the ring rather than outside.


I feel like I'm 15 again, in a ring with a monstrous nightmare only now I have to tame it, not kill it. I take a breath and hope my plan will work.

"Easy, easy." I say with my hands up in a calm down gesture. The dragon calmed down a little but still growled through its teeth.

"Who says I have to listen to you, human?" The dragon spat in Dragonese with venom.

"Listen, I will help all of the dragons here escape including you. I just need a distraction to get everyone out. Will you join me?" I said in Dragonese.

"Oh, a human that speaks the dragon tongue." The dragon said... sneaking around me. I stayed still.

"What is he doing?" I heard Alvin ask behind me.

"Please tell me you despise that man as much as I do." The dragon said with a scoff.

The runaway [HTTYD Fan-fiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora