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Authors note:
Here's the fan fic :)

"They're not what we think they are," Hiccup said calmly walking backwards, trying to get the dragon calm. "We don't have to kill them."

"I said STOP THE FIGHT!" Stoick yelled, hitting his stone hammer on the metal that caged the ring.

The dragons pupils narrowed to slits as the sound echoed and the dragon snapped, trying to bite off Hiccups hand. Hiccup quickly pulled back with a scream as the dragon tried to torch him but missed by only inches.

At a cove in the middle of the forest, the scream echoed to a napping black dragon. His ears perked up quickly as he heard Hiccups cry. He quickly tried getting out of the cove and soon, his claw gripped at the top stone.

Back at the ring, Stoick was shouting for Hiccup as Astrid  tried to distract the dragon from Hiccup. Hiccup tried follow Astrid to  his father, but then a ball of flames hit the wall. Hiccup quickly changed direction and stumbled, before the dragon had him caged by it's claw.

But then Toothless showed up to Hiccups rescue and blasted the top of the ring, diving into the smokey ring. He wrestled the other dragon away and kept it away from Hiccup. With a battle cry, Stoick ran towards Hiccup and Toothless.

"No dad! He won't hurt you!" Hiccup shouted at his dad. His father kept on running so Hiccup quickly got on Toothless back and attached the safety rope to his harness which he was wearing, no body had asked what it was for so Hiccup didn't really need to worry.

The Vikings were in shock as Hiccup put his feet in the holsters and everyone pretty much stopped what they were doing.

"Hiccup?" Stoick whispered in shock.

"I am not a dragon killer. I am a dragon rider." Hiccup said with a serious face to everyone then put his hand on Toothless face. "come on, bud."

Hiccup turned his left foot and they shot out of the ring like a rocket. He hovered a bit above the ring. He looked at his father and the other Vikings and then at Astrid who was pleading him not to go.

"I'm sorry Astrid." He whispered before Toothless and he soared up into the sky and flew off into the clouds.


I was at lost for words. My son, was a dragon rider? Had all the things in the ring been a lie? My only son, the future Chief of Berk just ran away on one of the most feared dragons in the world, he's bound to be killed.

I swallowed my tears as my son hovered over the ring looking at everyone, then to Astrid. Since it was so silent, you could hear him whisper "Im sorry Astrid," right before he flew off and disappeared into the clouds.

"Did you know about this?" I asked in anger as she stared at the clouds where Hiccup had disappeared into minutes prior. A tear rolled down her cheek as she continued staring at the clouds and not answering. Just as I was about to repeat the question she nodded lightly.

"You need to keep watch. Hiccup will probably return soon to get supplies." She whispered quietly. "Just don't hurt him.... or.... or toothless."

I stared at her in shock. she didn't want me to kill toothless. was she a traitor like my son?

"But that beast is the devil." I said confused. She shook her head as she looked at me.

"No, Toothless is not a beast nor the devil. He's actually quite like Hiccup if you pay attention." She said quietly. She managed a small smile. "Toothless is sweet and playful when your on his good side."

I looked at the clouds. No matter how "sweet" and "playful" this dragon is, he will end up killing Hiccup.

Days past and I kept seeing Astrid run to the woods and be gone all day and come back with a disappointed look on her face as she looked out into the sun set.

One day, maybe 2 weeks after Hiccup left, I followed her into the woods, the deep woods. Near raven point. I followed closely behind Astrid as she climbed through a small crater and walked past discarded Boas. That's when I finally realized Hiccup had actually hit the dragon but he didn't kill it. Obviously.

Finally we stopped in a cove and Astrid walked through. She ducked underneath a shield and went into the full area while I tried to get past the shield with no sound. Finally I came into the place. It had a beautiful lake in the center. Why had Astrid come here?

"Come on Hiccup, come back." she muttered pretty much all day and as it was close to dark, she gave up and headed back to the village. After she was long gone, I was about to go back too when a gleaming metal caught my attention in the water just barely on land.

I walked over to it and picked up the mysterious knife. I recognized it, it was Hiccups. I put it on my belt to keep him close to me, he was bound to be dead by now.


It's been a couple of weeks since I left Berk. Every night we stay at an island and move to the furthest one away in a day. After two days of that we just settled on an island about 3 days flight from Berk.

I sat against a rock while Toothless tried to fish with a sigh. I knew I could never go back, it would never be the same. Now that they knew about Toothless and me protecting the dragons, I'd probably be killed along with Toothless.

I looked in the direction where Berk is. It was a place I used to call home, but now I realized my home is where I truly belong. Here, with Toothless. It was then staring at the body of water, I promised myself I would never return but in a second thought I realized something: What if fate would make me come back? Only time will tell.

So this is a short prologue but it's only the first part of the fan fiction, so yeah.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the beginning, the next chapter will probably be 2 years later when the village is still coping with Hiccups "death" and Hiccup is surviving well.

So I hope you'll tune in for the next chap!! :)

Night guys :)

---- < Mari_dragonrider14 > ----

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