Chapter 4: To Hiccups home

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Authors note:: So this is kind of a short story fan fic but I'll be adding new things to the story to make it go longer and to make it a bit more interesting so I apologize of this is kind of boring, but I appreciate you guys reading it :)


My arms froze around the mans stomach in front of me as I heard the name. The name I haven't heard in forever. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III.

"Well I guess you know my real name now." he said as we were nearly out of sight of the outcast lands and high in the clouds. "um, you can let go now."

I furrow my brows in confusion until I saw I was probably squeezing the death out of Hiccup with my arms. Maybe because I was so relieved he was alive..... or the fact that we just raced into the clouds nearly killing ourselves. I coughed awkwardly after I released him and he let out a big breath.

"Oh, sorry."

After maybe a few hours I saw Hiccup roll his shoulders as if he was trying to reposition himself and it was nearly dark, soon a small island came into sight. It looked deserted, all rock and no signs of green like a forest or anything so that shocked me when I saw Hiccup going lower. I think he rested his arm on one of his thighs and quickly removed it with a wince.


"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. As we slowly descended , Hiccup grabbed cloth from the saddle and wrapped it around his leg.

"Yes, just a wound I forgot about." he answered quickly. Finally we reached the ground and Hiccup hopped off and limped slightly getting his footing.

"You okay? No wounds?" He asked concerned as I hopped down. I shook my head telling him I'm alright and he nodded before walking into the rockier parts.

It took us nearly 5 minutes to reach a rock wall with probably no way around it.

"So, how exactly do you live here? It's all - well - rock." I asked awkwardly as he was lifting up a heavy rock that was by a wall.

"All is not what it seems." He said dropping the rock. "or however that would be worded." he said more to himself than me but I still heard it. He came back to where the big rock was and grabbed another as he talked.

"So what's your story?" He asked as he dropped the rock by the other big one, then I noticed something that was hidden underneath those two rocks. A wooden lever. I stayed silent.

"Okay. You can wait to see if you trust me or not." he pulled the lever and nothing seemed to happen. Then a small crack was visible, almost in the shape of a door. He leaned against the rock and was on the balls of his feet as he pushed it.

"Um," I said awkwardly. Nothing happened, he just stood there pushing with no sign of it moving. He was like that for almost thirty seconds while I stood there unsure of what to do then, slowly but surely, the rock slowly moved back..... and back... and back. Nearly ten feet within revealing a rock door way with light coming through it.

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