Chapter 12 - To the east

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2 day's Later. . .


It's been 2 day's since Silver left with the other dragons, thankfully nobody really noticed they're gone. Only me and Sapphire knew. I'm growing concerned because there's been no sign of them.

"Is something bothering you?" Astrid asked sitting next to me. I was sitting at itchy armpit just looking at the scenery. I had found itchy armpit during a flight with Toothless. Its a beautiful place really, but I need to change the name.

"No." I lied. I come here every so often because this is where I told Silver to meet me when she came back.

"Okay." Astrid said raising an eyebrow but not pushing it. She leaned back and her elbows were propping her up.

"So," she said after some silence. "How did you find this place?"

"During a flight with Toothless." I said. I've found a lot of beautiful places while flying with Toothless. I think I found this place during one of my first attempts of my flight suit, it's kind of a blur because it took a while. "Itchy armpit. A beautiful place."

" 'Itchy armpit'?" She asked with her eyebrow raised once more.

"Yeah I need to change that name." I said realizing how back the name is.

"Yeah-" Astrid paused. Suddenly she looked interested in something.

"What?" I asked. She didn't answer, she just points towards me. I followed her gaze and saw a small dragon fly towards us and then plop in my arms letting out a small puff of smoke.

"Is that Silver?" Astrid asked with concern. I nodded.

""What happened Silver?"" I asked the tired dragon.

""It was horrible. No sign of life for miles it's all burnt. I was lucky to make it back with my life."" Silver panted out.

"What did she say?"

"She says there was destruction in the east ." I translated.

"Please tell me you didn't send out dragons to check the east." Astrid said in an exasperated tone.

"I didn't?" I laughed nervously. That's when I realized it was just Silver.

""Where are the other dragons?"" I asked urgently.

""They were trapped by armored men. The water is teaming with ships.""Silver explained sadly. ""I was nearly trapped myself.""

I furrowed my brows in concern and looked at her wing. It was covered in dry blood and the end of it was in an awkward position. That's when I realized she had been flying slightly more to the left than to the right.

"Hiccup. Don't even think about it." Astrid said in a warning voice.

"Sorry Astrid." I turned towards her, kissing her cheek and handing her an injured Silver. "But I need to help them."

With that, I mounted Toothless and shot towards east.

"HICCUP!" I heard Astrid call after me but then her voice faded behind me.


I watched with the small dragon in my arms as Hiccup disappeared into the clouds as I called his name. Frustrated, I mounted Stormfly and flew to Berk. What? Someone needs to tell them where Hiccup went and get Silver to safety.

I landed in the plaza, in the center of people rebuilding the village.

"HAS ANYONE SEEN THE CHIEF?" I called through the plaza. There were some shrugs and everyone went back to their business.

"I'm right here." I heard Stoick say behind me suddenly, making me jump. I turned towards him. "Oh, good Astrid. I've been looking for you. Have you seen Hiccup?"

"Uh- W-well-"

"What happened to that dragon?" Valka cut me off coming to our group.

"I'm not exactly sure-" I was cut off again by Sapphire coming into the conversation.

"Is that Silver? Oh no. Hiccup must've sent the dragons already." Sapphire said putting her face in her hands.

"Dragons?" Stoick, Valka and I asked in unison.

"Hiccup sent the dragons to the east to scout the lands and by the looks of Silver..." her voice trailed off. "So where is he?"

"After Silver came to us, Hiccup went east, I tried to stop him but... he's you know, Hiccup." They all nodded in agreement. Or at least Stoick. Valka doesn't know Hiccup that well yet.

"So are we going on a rescue mission?" Snotlout asked appearing in our group out of no where. We all jumped.

"When did you get here?" Sapphire asked.

"The same time as us, duh." Tuffnut said by my side suddenly, he was looking at his nails as if he were bored.

"So? What are we waiting for?" Ruffnut said on the other side of me.

"A plan." Fishlegs spoke for the first time.

"Yeah," Sapphire agreed. "It's be suicide to go against armored men with traps and a full armada against us."

"Wait," I said. "How would you know what we're up against?"

"Silver told me." She explained. "What? Hiccup's not the only one who speaks dragonese."

"Exactly." Violet said beside us. "So what's the plan?"

We stood in that circle for a couple minutes of silence when an idea popped up in my head.

"I've got it!"


Now it's almost dark and I've seen nothing but blue. Finally I see an island. It looked lifeless,like it was teeming with life, trees flowers but now is covered in ash.

""Lay low, there might be some soldiers or traps around here."" I whispered to Toothless as I leaned forward on my saddle. We glided silently over everything. It was horrible to see, there were ruins here, much like Berk.

It was silent, which made the scenery even creepier. Then movement on the ground caught my eyes.

""Down there Toothless."" I pointed towards the shadow scuttling on the ground below us. It went into the bushes as me and Toothless landed and I unmounted Toothless.

"I won't hurt you." I said, wincing slightly at how loud my voice was in the silence. After some more rustling in the bushes, out came a boy. Maybe around the age of 13. It was hard to make out the rest of his features in the dark.

"What's your name?" I asked softly taking a step forward. He stepped back quickly. I stopped as quickly.

"I won't hurt you. I'm here to help." I cooed. "Maybe it will make you feel better if you know who I am. My name's Hiccup."

"As in the dragon Conquerer?" For the first time I heard him speak.

"Yes." I answered. In the moonlight I could see him bowing.

"No- no, please. No bowing." I said quickly. "Can you tell me who you are?"

"My name is Flame."


So here was the update! Sorry it took so long, I was having a bit of a writers block on what to have for this chapter.

Anyways Dragontrainer1055 I hope I described your character alright :)

So to any other readers, feel free to comment or message me any description of a character and dragon and I'll write you into the story. You can also add an occupation of you like.

So I'll try and get the next chapter up as soon as I can.

Bye fellow Dragon riders :)

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