Chapter 16

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Author's note:
Hey Dragon riders! Sorry about that last chapter, it was a little rushed and poorly written compared to some of my other chapters in my opinion.
I'll admit I made the story go a tad bit darker and still have one question: what should the witches be using the 'essence' for? Honestly, I'm just making it up as I go. So if you've got any ideas, I'm open.
So on that note, let's continue the story. Oh one more thing, for now it will be in Hiccup's point of view unless I say otherwise.

Some one was shaking me awake, but their words sounded distant and hard to understand. Soon, I was able to understand what was being said and who was saying it.

"Hiccup, wake up!" They shouted shaking me frantically. It was Astrid.

Slowly I blinked opened my eyes and saw Astrid leaning over me. She was practically in tears.

"Astrid?" I croaked, coughing slightly.

"Thanks the Gods you're okay. I knew I shouldn't have left you alone with Alex." She said as I sat up. Wait, Alex? I thought to myself as my latest memories came rushing back. oh,no. oh,no.

"This is not good." I said standing up quickly. If we can't find Alex, who knows what trouble will go down.

"I know. I found you like this an hour ago, you wouldn't wake up." Astrid told me.

"Okay," I started pacing. "So, there are witches collecting essence for something - which we can only guess isn't good - Alex is Selena's sister, which I am assuming is her younger one but there are probably more witches. And since Alex knows that I had something to do with Selena's death,"

"She'll probably be wanting revenge." Astrid finished. "So that's the gist of things. You go find your dad, I'll keep an eye on the others and see if I spot Alex."

"Okay." I nodded.

I found my dad in our main room of our house whittling. I think my mom was helping out with fishing.

"Hey dad." I said.

"Hello son, how's the Alex situation going?" He asked.

"Um, everything's fine, except for the fact that we can't find her." I said.

"Did I hear you right? I thought you said you can't find her." My dad said with a hard stare.

"You heard me right." I said. "look, I would've been able to keep track of her if she hadn't knocked me out and disappeared."

"Okay." he said. "So we need to come up with a plan."

"The reason why I came." I said.

"Get the towns people into the Meade Hall, make sure you know exactly every person who enters. We don't want her snaking in. Once everyone is safe, patrol the island with the other dragon riders and check every single hiding spot on Berk.", he ordered. "She could've gotten far, especially with nightfall around the corner."

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