Chapter 15: Another Enchantment?

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Author's note:
Hi Dragon Riders! Sorry it's been awhile, I've had to keep up on school work and I spent spring break at my dads with no wifi. Also, I've just finished reading the HTTYD book series. If anyone else has read until the end of book 11, you all probably share my frustration.
So anyways, to the story?


In the end, I flew Alex back to prevent the others from killing themselves. They weren't happy about it though. We landed near the plaza and I found Sapphire walking around.

"Hey." I said running up to her, leaving Alex with the others, relax Astrid was there so she would keep her straight.

"Hey," Sapphire smiled as she saw me come up.

"So I was wondering if you can keep a close eye on her"-I pointed towards Alex-" I'll explain later. Just make sure she's not alone with those three."

Tuff, Fishlegs, and Snotlout were flirting with Alex and Tuff was nearly pushing himself on Alex... until Astrid punched him off.

"Okay." Sapphire answered.

"Thanks." I said.

10 minutes later I was in my house with my father, mother and Astrid.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me there's another witch like Selena and you just brought her back?" My dad asked furiously.


" 'Like Selena'? What does he mean?" Astrid butted in.

"While I was gone, I met someone. I didn't love her, but she made me love her." I explained.

"And how did she make you?" Astrid asked clearly suspicious. My dad was about to say something but I held up my hand to tell him to let me explain.

"An amulet. Similar to the one Alex is wearing, very similar." I thought for a moment. "In fact, they could be sisters."

"So that's what's making the guys going whack over her." Astrid said. "How do we break this spell?"

"We destroy the amulet." I said.

"But in the mean time, we let her walk around unpunished?" My dad asked.

"Dad, I'll handle it. It hasn't affected me, I'm probably immune to it now and it's probably spelled to only react to certain people." I said. "SO in the meantime we keep an eye on her. She might be able to give us information on why these witches are trying to put spells on us and send war upon Berk, not to mention all the land east of here."

"You're right. Just be careful. I don't want anyone getting hurt." he said.

"Alright then. Astrid, we should get back to them and make sure no one is getting killed. or beating themselves up." I said and she followed me outside.

"So, how did it feel?" Astrid asked me once we were outside the door.

"How did what feel?" I asked back.

"Being under that spell, or what ever."

"That? Oh it was-"

"Don't say fine." she interrupted.

"Fine, if you want the truth. I felt like my soul was being sucked out of me. When ever the amulet is close to it's victims, the amulet absorbs their essence or something. It makes their eye colors fade. Toothless told that's what happened when ever I was around Selena, and that's happening with Tuff, Fishlegs and Snotlout, their eye colors also faded."

She was silent as we started walking down the steps towards the plaza, we could see the others at what used to be the kill ring, now turned into the Berk Dragon Training Academy.

"So, if it's sucking 'your essence' then the question is, why? What makes these witches need essence for?" She finally said. I furrowed my brows. She had a point.

"I'm not sure," I said. "but I know one thing; what ever is, it's not good."

By the time we arrived, the guys were fighting each other. Full on fist fight.

"She said yes to me!" Tuff yelled.

"NO! She said yes to ME!" Snotlout yelled back.

"NO!" And so on.

"What's going on?" Astrid asked.

"I don't know! One minute they were asking Alex out and the next their full on fist fight." Ruff said.

"Alright, BREAK IT UP!" I yelled pulling a punching and kicking Tuff from Fishlegs and Snotlout who were being pulled by Astrid and Ruff.

"I think you should all take a walk," I said firmly to them. They were fuming and glaring at each other but eventually they all left separated.

"Boys," Alex said walking towards us. "So tempered."

Sapphire, Astrid, and Ruffnut looked at each other and I knew what they were thinking, I don't blame them but - "Guys, why don't you go feed your dragons."

They hesitated also but left too, leaving Alex and I alone. A frown was on her face.

"Look, I know that you're in a relationship with Astrid, but can't you feel it between us?" She asked getting way too close for my liking. Her hand was on my chest, her eyes as if she was trying to put me under her spell. It wasn't working.

"Um, what?" I asked taking her hand off my chest. She must've realized it wasn't working.

"My spell isn't working on you. How? It's impossible." She said in clear confusion. "Unless. . ."

Her eyes were wide and seemed to be filled with tears.

"You killed Selena. . . You killed my sister!" She was getting angry. I could see it in her eyes.

"Look - I'm sorry-"

"You're not sorry and you. will. pay." She spat. She pulled her arms back and pushed them towards me in a shoving motion after backing away and I was pushed back, flying into the air. For a moment, I felt nothing but air. Then, my back hit the concrete wall of the academy and my breath was knocked out of me.

I dropped to the ground, supporting my self with my forearms trying to regain my breath. Soon my vision started to swim as I saw three of Alex. She was kneeling in front of me and she harshly grabbed my chin, even with my vision swimming, I could see anger burning in her eyes.

"I will make you pay some day." She said her voice fading in and out. Soon my vision blurred and twisted to black.

So what do you think?

Good, bad?

I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this, I am making it up as I go.

So anyways remember you can always comment some Info about a viking/dragon you'd like me to bring in.

I'll take suggestions for what the witches could be planning to use essence for. I have no clue right now.

Anyways bye! I am sorry for the wait, I'll do my best to update quicker.

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