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Mythology: Many

Angels are spiritual beings who act as intermediaries between God and humans. Messengers of God, angels may serve any of a number of purposes. Their role may be to teach, command, or inform individuals of their destiny. Angels may also act to protect or help people.                  

In some religions, God and humans are distant from each other, so angels help bridge the gap. Angels praise God, carry out God's will, and reveal divine word. They may also help people attain salvation or receive special favors. Acting for God, angels may influence human affairs through such deeds as rewarding faithful believers, punishing people who do evil, and helping people in need.

Angels tend to play a lesser role in religions with many gods. These gods themselves may carry out angelic functions, often taking human forms. In religions based on the belief that all the cosmos is sacred and that the divine and the human share one essence, angels are less important. They are not needed to bridge a gap between the gods and humankind. However, even in these religions angel-like spiritual beings may help people relate to the divine.                 

{The Nature of Angels} The world's religions have had different views about the nature of angels. Some regard angels as divine beings who deserve to be worshiped rather than just as messengers of God. Disagreement also exists about the bodies of angels. Some think that angels have actual physical bodies. Others insist that angels only appear to have such bodies. Still others believe that angels are purely spiritual beings but that they can assume material bodies.         

{Hierarchies of Angels}Angels are traditionally ranked in nine orders. The highest order of angels is the seraphim, followed by the cherubim, thrones, dominions (or dominations), virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels.     

          First circle of angels—the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones—devote their time to contemplating God.

         Second circle—the dominions, virtues, and powers—govern the universe.

        Third circle—principalities, archangels, and angels—carry out the orders of the superior angels.        

{Fallen Angels}    Angels who had once been close to God but "fell" to a lower position. They tried to interfere with the relationship between human beings and God by encouraging individuals to sin. Fallen angels were also believed to cause such disasters as famine, disease, war, and earthquakes.   

According to Christian belief, everyone has two guardian angels. Angels typically have wings, are delicately beautiful and either glow or are surrounded by an Aura.

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