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Source: Tinguian tribe of the Philippines

Classification: Deformed Spirits

Gender: Both

Alan's have wings to help them fly and fingers and toes that point backwards.

The legend behind them is quite unique. (If you have a weak stomach, please know that is blood and other.)

They are said to take menstrual blood, miscarried fetuses, afterbirth, or other reproductive waste and transform it into human children, who they can raise on their own.

They are said to live near springs in etermely fine houses that is made out of gold and/or other valuables.


A young man from theTinguian tribe was once walking along a trail in the woods when he heard a strange sound in a large tree near him. Looking up, he was startled to see that it was the home of the Alan-spirits.

He stopped, gazing for a moment at the horrible creatures that were large as people, hanging from the limbs of the tree with their heads down like bats. The Alan-spirits had wings to fly, and their toes were at the back of their feet, while their long fingers, which pointed backward, were fastened at the wrist.

"Surely," thought the man, "these terrible beings will eat me if they can catch me. I will run away as fast as I can while they are asleep." Trying to run, he fell face down on the ground after a few steps, frightened to the bone.

The Alan began to wail loudly, for they saw him fall and believed him dead. They came down out of the tree with gold and beads and laid them on him.

Soon enough, the man gathered courage and jumped up, crying loudly, "Go away!"

The Alan did not move, but they looked at him and said: "Give us the one bead nagaba [a peculiar bead of double effect], and you may have the rest." When the man refused to do this, they were angry and turned away, crying, "Then we are going to burn your house, for you are a bad man."

There upon the man went home as fast as he could go, but very soon after that his house burned, for the Alan kept their word.

This Alan passed this man's legacy on to those that came forth and were worthy creatures of the gift. So, from generation to generation the Alan creatures can be seen.

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