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Mythology: Celtic

Classification: Deity, humanoid

Gender: Female

Size; Medium (human)

She is associated with light, day and the sun.

A fairy queen. She is the daughter of the magical musician of Munster, Ferí; twin sister of Grian.

She may have been viewed as a goddess. Some evidence support that Áine was either a goddess of love or a sun goddess. This description refers to the most prominent Áine in Celtic myth.

In several tales she is connected to the magical sea god Manannán mac Lir. In some stories they are married or in love and in others they are father and daughter.

By some accounts, Áine was raped by Ailill Olom. She ripped off his ear trying to protect herself from him. (In other versions of the tale, she kills him).

In the tales of the Fenian Cycle, Áine is in love with Fionn. In some versions he returns her affections and they have two children together. In others, Áine’s love for Fionn is unrequited.

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