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Mythology: Armenian and Persian

Classification: Demon

Gender: Both

These creatures are demons of childbirth, interfering with human reproduction.

In Armenian mythology, these creatures take the lungs, liver and heart of women in childbirth, pregnant women, and women who gave just given birth. They are known to also destroy embryos in the womb, they cause miscarriage, and they can steal babies after forty days of childbirth and replaces the babies with Imps.
They are described to have clay noses and fiery eyes. They also have sharp iron fangs and teeth, disheveled hair, copper claws, the tusks of a wild boar and sagging breasts, resembling a crone.
After these creatures steal the organs of the woman, they have to escape and cross the first source of water. If it achieves its goal, the woman cannot be saved.
You can use Apotropaic wards against these creatures, as well as other demons, like charms, prayers, iron objects, onions, and garlic, to prevent this creature from reaching the water.

In Iran, this creature was described as a bony, thin old woman, that has a clay nose, red face, and a straw or reedy basket hanging from its shoulder, in which carries the liver or lung of its victim.

In Central Asia, it's described as a fat, ugly and hairy crone with sagging breasts, one hanging over her one shoulder, while hanging from the other is a woolen bag with the heart and liver of its victim.

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