Angus Óg

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Angus Óg

Mythology: Celtic

Classification: Deity, humanoid

Associated with: Love and family

Gender: Male

Size: Medium (human)

The Irish god of youth and beauty. He was also a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He known as 'Angus the Young' and sometimes as the god of love. Angus Óg was the son of the father god Dagda and the water goddess Bóand.

He carries a magic sword and wore a cloak of invisibility. His kisses could take wing and fly away; four of them took the form of birds and followed him wherever he went.

In three tales, Angus protected young lovers. He offered aid and protection to Deirdre and Noíse when they were fleeing King Conchobar. Angus helped his foster son, Diarmait, flee with his lover, Gráinne, from Fionn, to whom she had been engaged. In addition, Angus helped Midir woo and win Étain.

In one well-known and romantic tale from the Mythological Cycle, Angus Óg became lovesick for Cáer after seeing her in a vision. He was so smitten with the girl of his dreams that he could think of nothing else. Unable to eat or sleep much, he became weak and sick. When he did drift off, his dreams were haunted by the mysterious woman. After one year of this suffering, Angus's mother Bóand feared her son would waste away. She searched all over Ériu for the maiden. She enlisted the help of the people of the earth and the fairy people of the si­dh. Finally, after a year had passed with no sign of Cáer, she asked Bodb Derg for help. Another year passed before the god directed Bóand to a lake and told her that Angus would find his true love there. After waiting for three years to hear this news, Angus could not wait a moment longer. Rushing to the lakeshore in search of his love, he spied a huge flock of swans floating on the water. He could not tell which one was Cáer. Finally, he noticed that each swan had a silver torc, or band, around its elegant neck. Looking closer, he saw that one swan among the hundreds wore a torc of gold. This swan was Cáer. When Angus called to her, she swam to him. They fell instantly and deeply in love. Angus transformed himself into a swan and flew away with Cáer. Ever after, the pair sang so splendidly that all who heard their song were unable to sleep for three days and three nights.

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