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Source: Bulgarians, Macedonians, and Serbs folklore

Gender: Female

They happen to be described as demons of bad weather. They led hail-producing thunderstorms in direction s of fields, vineyards, or orchards to destroy crops, loot or steal. Extremely voracious. They love to eat children, though their gluttony is not limited to Earth. They were believed to sometimes eating the sun or moon causing eclipses, meaning the end of the world if they succeeded.

When encountered, people's mental, physical health, or even life are at peril, though her favor can be gained by approaching her with respect and trust. Having as relationship with an ala is beneficial, she gives her favorites riches and saves their lives in times of trouble.

Their appearances change in different folklores. They say they can look like black wind, a giant creature in a indistinct form, a huge-mouthed, humanlike or snakelike monster, a female dragon or a raven. They can also shift into various human or animal shapes, and can take possession of a person's body.

In Russia she is known as Baba Yaga (if anybody had seen Bartok the magnificent, she is in there.)

They are said to live in clouds, lakes, springs, hidden remote places, forests, inhospitable mountains, caves or gigantic trees.

They are usually hostile towards humans, but they do have enemies that can defeat them like dragons.

Eagles are known to be protectors against the ale and chars them away.

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