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Mythology: Ainu and Shinto

        A gigantic part-human-part-octopus monster, who lurks in Funka Bay in Hokkaidō, Japan, and has been sighted in several other locations including Taiwan and Korea for centuries.

        In Shinto mythology, it is human-like and contains a bright red color. It's 120 meters in length. It's a striking red, seemingly "likened to the color of the reflection of the setting sun upon water".

        It is known to have the ability to self-amputate, like several octopus species, and regenerate limbs. It is believed in Shinto that this creature has healing powers. People believed that giving offerings to Akkorokamui will heal ailments of the body, in particular, disfigurements and broken limbs.

        In this myth:

         Spirits cursed Rebunge, a villager of Abuta Toyoura, to see the destruction of his town. They sent a part-spider-part-human creature, Yaoshikepu, to fulfill the curse. Yaoshikepu cased rampant destruction throughout the town, slaughtering so many that the streets were filled with crimson blood. After hearing the townsfolk tremble with fear, the sea kami, Repunkamui, transformed Yaoshikepu into an octopus, and cast her into the sea. After Yaoshikepu was cast into the sea, her size began to grow, eventually beginning to consume larger prey, such as whales and ships. One day, Akkorokamui gobbled up a boat full of fishermen. In her stomach, they called for help. Hearing the cries, Repunkamui poisoned Akkorokamui, giving her great pain. As Akkorokamui hollered in agony, the fishermen escaped. However, Akkorokamui learned to harness the venom, using it to attack her prey. In a 1800s sighting, John Batchelor stated that as the monster attacked the ship, it "emitted a dark fluid which has a very powerful and noxious odour", confirming the myth's actuality.

        In Ainu mythology, self purification practices for Akkorokamui are often strictly followed.This creature was known as a benevolent kami with powers to heal and bestow knowledge, it is fickle and has the propensity to do harm. An Akkorokamui is persistent and it is near impossible to escape its grasp without permission. Like other Shinto purification rituals, prior to entering the shrine of Akkorokamui, one's hands must be cleaned with water with the exception that one's feet must also be cleaned as well. It enjoys the sea and offerings like fish, crab, and mollusks which are the Akkorokamui's favorite. Homage to Akkorokamui is often for ailments of the limbs or skin, but mental purification and spiritual release is particularly important.

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