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Mythology: Inuit

The Adlet is wolflike creature similar to a Werewolf, feeding on human flesh and especially enjoying the taste of human blood.

        They live in wild regions of Quebec, Labrador, Newfoundland, and all lands to the north.

        They are purely carnivorous, feeding only on the flesh and blood of other animals. Capable of surviving on any kind of food (including roots, fungi, and various types of vegetation), the creature will only eat these if there is no animal found. This is their lst resort. They prefer human flesh and blood above anything else. They suck out the marrow of victims bones.

        The Adlet resembles the classic Werewolf, but it is not a shapeshifter. They are covered in red fur, possessing sharp talons on its hands and feet, and has a mouthful of daggerlike teeth. They have other lupine features as well, including pronounced snouts, pointed ears, long tails, and eerie yellow eyes.

        The Adlet is a merciless killer. They stalk their prey in packs through the wilderness of the northern-most regions of America and well into Canada. As mentioned earlier, the Adlet will feed on anything in desperation. They prefer to drink the warm blood of a newly-slain human and the humans flesh. They may be feral, but it is also cunning. They are only slightly smarter than the average wolf, perhaps being closer in intelligence to some of the lower primates.

        They hunt in large packs, attempting to overwhelm prey through sheer strength of numbers. The Alpha male that can be identified easily because it is larger and more ferocious than the others and he leads the pack. The pack’s approach is marked by their piercing, mournful howls, which paralyzes their prey with fear, making them easier to subdue. Their prey’s death is slow and extremely painful, their strong, bone-crushing jaws reduces the victim to an unrecognizable pulp and then a bloody, gut-churning feast follows. The only thing that the Adlet truly fears is fire. They are deathly afraid of an open flame, and will only attack a torch-wielding Hunter when on the verge of starvation. Also, when the pack leader is killed, the rest of the pack will usually flee. However, this isn’t always the case…

        They possess a supernatural degree of strength, agility, endurance, and speed. Their senses are extremely acute. They able to see clearly in the dark, can smell a fresh human corpse from a mile away, and can hear the approach of the stealthy hunter. They are immune to conventional forms of injury and can heal any wounds that are not caused by silver or fire very quickly.

        They are susceptible to silver and fire. Besides silver and fire, they are not known to have any other weaknesses. They can be slain by decapitation, if you can get close enough and get passsed thier defenses.

        As mentioned above, the only way to kill the Adlet is with fire or silver. When hunting the Adlet, you have to travel in a small group, with each individual well-armed. The equipment you should carry are multiple torches, large amounts of flint, lighter fluid, matches, food, water, sleeping bags, and other such equipment. Dress as warmly as possible without hindering movement. Rifles loaded with silver bullets and at least one silver dagger should be carried as self-defense. Bring plenty of ammunition, as well as a silvered knife or a sword.

        If you should be confronted by a pack, immediately light several torches and build a big fire. Wave the torches at any of the approaching Adlet, while another individual readies their rifle and fires several rounds into the chest of the leader. If the leader dies, the others will usually flee. However, if this is not the case, prepare for a fight to the death.

        They are wolflike monsters that prowls the cold northern reaches of this country. They first appeared several centuries ago, when they began to hunt the Inuit (Eskimos). According to Inuit mythology, the Adlet were born when a beautiful Inuit woman, living on the shores of Hudson Bay, married a gigantic red dog with great supernatural powers. The odd couple made love passionately, and eventually the woman became pregnant. Nine months later, she gave birth to ten children. The first five were small, beautiful puppies in the image of their father. However, the other five were ferocious hybrids that were a combination of the worst traits of both parents. The hybrids grew into adults within a matter of hours, and then proceeded to try to kill their mother. The monstrous father attacked and managed to route the Adlet, but not without being mortally wounded himself. After her husband’s death, the mourning widow fled to Hudson Bay’s shores, where she set her five puppies adrift on a large piece of wood. The pups sailed across the ocean, eventually landing on the coasts of what is now Europe. There, they too married humans and gave birth to a race of pale-skinned humans who would return to Hudson Bay centuries later. Meanwhile, the Adlet took to hiding in the wilderness, where the creatures mated and multiplied.

To this day, the Adlet still roam the cold wilderness, beginning in Quebec and Newfoundland, and extending well into the farthest northern reaches of Greenland. However, the chief habitat of the Adlet is on the shores of Hudson Bay, but there are a number of these monsters in Labrador. The Adlet are known to the Inuit tribes in the area, as well as those living in the surrounding regions west of Hudson Bay.

Book of Shadows  (MYTHICAL CREATURES A-Z)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora