Afanc (Avanc, Addanc)

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Mythology: Welsh

        Afanc is a lake monster. It's described variously as resembling a crocodile, beaver or dwarf-like creature, and is sometimes said to be a demon but it is most favourably depicted as a large frog with claws on all limbs.. It is has been said to live in Llyn Llion, Llyn Barfog, near Brynberian Bridge or in Llyn yr Afanc, a lake near Betws-y-Coed that was named after the creature.

        It was said to prey upon any foolish enough to fall into or swim in its lake.

        They are said to have magical powers and even the ability to speak Welsh. In one of the tales it uses these powers to turn its thrashing of the lake into the mythical deluge that appears in many mythologies. 

        The Afanc's one weakness is a beautiful woman who lures the Afanc to sleep upon her lap.  In th common story, the villagers then bind the Afanc with magical chains and use two oxen to drag the creature across to the next lake. The brave woman's name in this story is not remembered which is a pity considering that in the struggle with the Afanc to chain it. In the story it tore off one of her breasts.

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