5. Boss level

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"Yes!" You and Michael high five each other. You had just completed the next to last level on New Super Mario Bros Wii. You was Luigi and he was Mario. He was a pro and you were a no. At least that's what Michael thought...

"Ok Luigi, this is it, the boss level. Remember what I said." Michael said seriously.

"I gotcha Mario!"

"Ok now let's go save this princess buns!" Y'all giggled as you pressed play.

You were really nervous. Your hands were sweaty and your hands began to slightly shake.

"Awe babe don't be nervous, if you die I'll carry on the game." He boasted and you rolled your eyes.

The game started and you jumped over the obstacles. When Michael first jumped, he fell right in lava. You paused the game and laughed your ass off, I mean rolling on the floor with tears rolling down your face.

"Oh shut up Y/N! Can you do any better?"

"I'll try. But I believe I can." You started to bring your A-game. You spin jumped, back flipped, side jumped, wall jumped and made your way to the boss, bowser. You played on and whopped bowser's ass. You won the game!!!

"Woooooo!!!! Luigi number one!" You said in a adorable Italian accent.

"Psh I don't care..."

"Awe are you getting angry?" You said in a baby voice. He answered you by picking you up and running you around.

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