22. Surpise Surprise!

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Request for fanofmj!

|Molly's POV|

I've been bored ever since Michael left for his Bad tour. I miss him so much, just the little things I do remind me of him in some way. He'll be back in about a month and I can hardly wait!

Phone rings...


"Molly, baby it's me!"

"Michael! I miss you sooo much!" He rarely gets a chance to call.

"Awe I miss you too, but I'm sorry, I gotta go. I love you..."

"I love you too." I hung up. Then the phone rung again. Thinking its Michael, I answered excitedly.


"Hey honey!"

"Oh hi mom..." I got a little disappointed.

"Molly, are you ready?"

"For...? Oh yeah, I forgot! Give me 10 minutes." I just remembered, I'm doing a charity football game.

"Ok hun, bye." I ran to the bathroom and took a shower, put my clothes on and drove to the game.

|After The Game|

"I would like to call Molly and her mother to the field!" Everyone cheered for us.

|Michael's POV|

I'm almost halfway in the field. I'm a little nervous, I miss her so much.

"Thanks for all of the donations! Do you have anything to say?"

"Yes I would like to say-" I tapped her shoulder. she turned around and I opened my arms to her. She jumped in my arms and started crying hard.

"I missed you so much..."

"I missed you too..."

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