55. Pictures

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Your POV

"C'mon Princy Wincey!" I said pulling his shirt over his head.

"Honey, where my super suit!?" Michael ran in quoting The Incredibles.

"Michael, we're running late since you convinced me that we should take a nap," I pouted.

"Ok, ok, I'll get ready," he said pecking my lips.

"Thank you," I smiled. I always get my way.


I smiled as Michael walked in. He looks soooo sexy!😍

"Thank you babe," he smirked. "You look delicious..." He bit his lip.

"Uhh, t-thank you baby," I stuttered feeling a little sexually frustrated right now.

"Ok let's gooo!" He grabbed the keys, just for me to grab them and hand him Prince.

"You are not gonna kill me and my baby today," I laughed walking out the door.

"You're gonna get it," he mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked pursing my lips.

"Nothing, let hit the road," he smirked strapping Prince in his car seat and coming on the passenger side.


"Ok you guys, on three smile big!" The photographer said. We both were holding Prince and smiling for the picture.


"Ok Prince, smile for mommy!" I said bouncing him as he giggled.


"M-mommy, d-daddy?" Prince stuttered out. He both looked at him shocked and surprised as he laughed.

"3!!!" The photographer snapped the photo and we were still shocked that Prince said not one but two full words.

"Mommy! Daddy!" He shouted giggling.

"Prince!" I smiled.

"Yay, high five Prince!" Michael smiled and high fives him.

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