Chapter 6

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Waverly knew something was very wrong. Unfastening her harness, she moved towards the rear of the craft. Nicole was on the floor, a carpet of red spreading out from her limp body. The pounding in Waverly's chest began to hurt. She knelt, feeling for a pulse. There. Got it. She was alive. Nicole stirred, the lifting of her hand causing her to regain consciousness momentarily.

Waverly had to act fast. She grabbed the medical bag, frantically searching for the pain relief patches. She needed to open Nicole's combat jacket to apply them. Tentatively, she began to release the fastening. Nicole groaned at the movement. Waverly kept going. Better to apply the drugs quickly than have Nicole remain in agony. She waited for them to take effect.

Nicole half-opened her eyes. The drugs were beginning to work. From the expression on Nicole's face, Waverly could see she was in agony. She attempted to sit, unable, she slumped back on the floor. Waverly placed her hand on Nicole's shoulder. To reassure her. To tell her not to move. She continued to open Nicole's jacket. Much of her vest was now a deep crimson. Waverly ripped it to get to the wound. It was deep. Vital organs had been missed, thankfully. Loss of blood significant. Too much. She was losing too much. She would cover the wound as best she could. Remember your training, she muttered, knowing this was more serious than she had ever had to deal with previously. Applying the largest dressings she could find, she pressed them to activate. Nicole didn't flinch. A sign the drugs were working.

Failing to find anything to rest Nicole's head on, she unfastened her own jacket, placing it under her. She returned to the cockpit, anxiously waiting for a signal from the ship with their location. It felt like an eternity. They could only stay masked for so long. Scout crafts were not fitted with the same cloaking device as larger ships. They could hide, temporarily, so long as they remained silent. Any communication would turn them into a neon sign, yelling 'come and get me.' She couldn't wait any longer.

She had to risk it. "We need help. Commander Haught is wounded."

Doc responded. "Earp. Sending co-ordinates. Be ready."

Waverly keyed them in, setting the thrusters at full power. She had to be quick. Doc watched as the craft moved at speed towards the ship. It would be a close call. The rebels had picked up Waverly's distress signal and Doc's response. Two large ships heading towards them. Fully armed. Rosita was in the pilot seat waiting on Doc's command to get them away from the planet.

Doc stood behind her, monitoring Waverly's approach. "When they dock, we're out of here."

Bustillos nodded, she was ready to jump as soon as Doc gave the word. Waverly would have only one chance at the entrance of the docking bay. At the speed she was travelling it would be extremely dangerous. A fraction off and the craft would tear through the ship. Her mind went silent, focusing on the task before her. No margin for error. She had to get this right, or they would all be killed. She powered down the thrusters just before entering, praying she had enough room to stop once on board. The craft careered along the floor, a fountain of sparks cascading out from underneath as metal grated against metal, coming to a halt just short of the far wall. Doc gave the command to make the jump as Svane's ships came within firing range.

Nicole was brought to the medical bay. Laying her on an observation table, Doc called up the holistic program. He gave the command for treatment to commence. She was lucky this time.

Doc stood beside Waverly, watching as the program began its work. "You did well. That was some flying. What happened?"

"Sand in the thrusters. We had to dig them out. Only just made it. She was outside when... "

Waverly trailed off, the memory of seeing Nicole lying near the door, the agony on her face, the wound. Waverly didn't want to think about it. So many what ifs. Nicole was alive, that was all that mattered. She had done her job. She got them back to the ship. Nicole would be OK.

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