Chapter 9

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Nicole sat holding the edge of the bed. "I can't feel my legs."

"It's normal," Waverly replied.

"How? Seriously, how?"

"The pulse? Or, what I did to you?"

"There's a difference?"

Waverly looked over at Nicole. So much to learn. "OK, this is a pulse."

Waverly swung her legs off the bed, moving towards Nicole. She took her hand, feeling the resistance.

"Can you explain without showing me."

"Too much?"

"Too much? My whole body orgasmed. Definitely, definitely too much. I need a drink."

Nicole went to stand, legs buckling. Waverly catching her as she went down.

"Perhaps we'll go easy on pulsing." Waverly said, as she helped Nicole back on the bed.

They changed, taking their time, enjoying the moment. Together. No idiots, no enemy, just them. They chose a quiet place to eat. Stories shared of their lives before they met. Nicole sat listening attentively to Waverly as she recounted adventures on Keplar.

How she and Wynonna were trapped in a cave, an angry bear dog outside. How they lit a fire to scare it away, not wanting to kill it. Admittedly, it was only Waverly who was against harming the animal, Wynonna more than happy to dispatch the growling cur.

How she climbed the mountain near their settlement. Losing her way. Wynonna coming to her rescue. The two spending the night huddled together near the top for warmth, waiting till first light to descend. Their mother sobbing on their return.

How she and Willa would go fishing. She stopped in mid-sentence, not wanting to revisit the memory.

"I didn't know you had another sister."

"She left one day. We never saw her again."

Nicole rubbed Waverly's arm. "Were you close?"

"Not as close as I am with Wynonna. Willa nearly killed me."


"It was an accident. She didn't mean to. She was trying to kill Wynonna."


Waverly shot Nicole a look. "Wynonna's not as bad as her reputation. OK, her reputation is pretty bad, but she's nice when you get to know her. Very protective of me. Since Willa."

"I'm sorry. That was insensitive of me. If she's anything like you, I'll love her."

Waverly blushed. She wondered if Nicole knew what she had revealed. Could the pulse still be working through her? She seemed far more open.

"Enough about me. What about you?"

"Not much to say. Only child. Not spoilt. Definitely not spoilt. My mother wanted me to know the value of things."

"Where did you grow up?"

"The city. An apartment near mine. My mother still lives there. Haven't been back."

"Have you always lived in that city?"

"Pretty much. I went to Luyten for a year before the military. That's where I met Shae. Same maths course."


"I thought it was love. It wasn't. What about you? Any lovers I should know about?"

"I've lusted after a few people. You may have been one of them."

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