Chapter 2 Meeting Her

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My heart started pounding like it didn't have for the last three years; she felt like a morning snow shower, her beautiful face, and the rhythm of her body the way she walks. I couldn't get my eyes off her or even blink for a second. I told my driver to leave the car with me I would drive it, he left. She waited at the bus stop, I watched her for a while, and then she got on a local bus. I followed the bus she got off in front of a university; I parked my car she went inside the College Campus as I followed her it was a huge campus she went inside a building. There was a reception desk a lady stopped me, I heard a voice behind me "Sir, Can I help you" I turned it was the lady from the reception, she might have stopped as I seem too old for a college-going kid and too young to be a parent. I went to her and asked "Yes, I was looking for Miss Jeon Hyun-Joo" she seems confused hearing that name, I repeated the name "Are you looking for a professor or student, sir" "I believe a female professor"

She paused for a moment "Sir, we have no one with this name here" she replied. Hyun-Joo might have changed her name, but it was important for me to find out more about her. But by my tone, the lady on the help desk must have felt like I am a stalker or something. I tried to change the topic "Miss, actually, I was wondering do you have those six months crash courses, for nonstudents? I heard this university has them" "Yes we do sir" "Actually I met this friend of mine who introduced me to this lady who teaches here, it seems I don't remember her name. So can you help me get in contact with her so that I may get more information about the course" she gave me a strange look, "are u looking for a course for yourself sir" "Yeah, I am" I replied, she picked up some pamphlets and showed them to me? "Sir, you can contact the university for these courses" I took the pamphlets and found her image in one of the lists of professors, "Thank you so much" "Have a nice day sir" "You too, Miss" I replied and left.

I went back to my Villa, I searched for and found her picture among the professors, she had changed her name to Emma. I wanted to join her classes in European Classical Literature but I was confused should I apply or not; after all, she had to shift to Washington to get away from me. How can I let her go again? I didn't wish to trouble her either but I can't just pretend that I didn't see her.

I spent all night thinking about what I should do.

The next morning, in the office, the meeting was held. I examined all the board members and the department head myself. They seem to be hardworking employees, I wondered then why the management was so poor. it might be because there is no one to guide them properly. To move them in the right direction. I ordered all of them to report to me directly, complete all their current projects, and submit them to me. I also had new ideas for this branch of Jegur Group.

Later I called the university and applied for the European classic literature class.

I thought about all the possible reasons this could go wrong, all my life I was an obedient son of my father he took all of my life decisions for me. I never had a point of view on that but I always thought I had no other choice but to follow his orders. But today I wish to do something he definitely won't approve of. I remember 3 years ago when my 18 years old brother Tan was heartbroken, his girlfriend Cha Eun-sang left because our father didn't want Tan and Cha Eun-Sang to date. Tan was getting worse day by day he got into fights, came home drunk, drove recklessly without a license, and even begged me to help him or he would die. So I had to meet Cha Eun-sang and I told her 'To do the right thing, to make a choice she actually wants to' I also told her that 'if it's hard to decide she shouldn't look too far and just think about tomorrow and that way the answer will change.

I think this is the time I should take my own advice, the advice I gave that little girl year back, and go for it. And I should fight for something. I really want it in my life. I am going to make Jeon Hyun-joo come into my life again.

I walked into the class the next morning. All the students stood up as if I was the professor. I took my seat on the 5th bench which seems empty I was way older than others, it seems. I was 10 years older than all of them. Then Hyun-Joo entered, introduced herself as Miss Emma. I seemed different to her not like other students so she pointed at me "are you new in this class?" I nodded. Her reaction was way different than what I imagined it to be. She wasn't shocked or uncomfortable, she just treated me as she would a strange student new to her class. I can't make it out: was she pretending or she really didn't recognize me. I listened to the whole lecturer (which was about Shakespeare Play 'Much Ado about Nothing')

I went to talk to her after class "Hyun-Joo" she gave me a strange look "I think you didn't get my name, it's Emma" I went into shock after hearing this reply "I apologize" "it's okay" she turned to leave "Can I take you out for a coffee?" 

If That's What Destiny Wanted Chapter 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora