Chapter 17 When The Times Stop

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I opened the door "Honey I am home" those were the first words as soon as I got home. Strangely there was no reply, I clearly remembered that I did text her that I am on my way home, she should be here waiting, oh maybe she has gone out for a grocery. Then I went to our bedroom and notice strange things some of the stuff was gone, like a robbery. Then I opened the wardrobe. I lost my balance and fell to the ground after seeing this, all of Emma's stuff was gone, all clothes documents files, and showpieces. It was like she never lived here. Now I was panicking about why did Emma had suddenly leave me, or I should say the house. She must have found out something, what if Hyun-shin has to do something with this.

I called Lee Hyun-shin, the ring was going on, no one picked up, I called him again,

"Hello!" he picked up the phone with a stressed voice

"Where is Emma?"

"What, how on earth am I supposed to know that? Do you think I am his boyfriend? Even tho I wish to be, but I am not, all thanks to you"

"Shut up! Just tell me where she is, what did you tell her?"

"I don't know where she is, and did I really tell her something, did I? I don't think so!"

" Don't lie to me, I know you said something to her, that's why she left the house"

"She left the house, I can't say I didn't see this coming"

"What, you knew she was going to leave then you should have told me something"

''Look, Won

Emma is a great woman to be with I have known her since I was in school, she was my teacher and I fell in love with her when I found out about you two my heart broke but even now after losing her memory, she fell in love with you. And I really think you shouldn't have lied to her about anything. I know she left the home because she is hurt. You got to find her and tell her the truth before you lose her again. And I didn't say anything to her about your real identity.

Let me know as soon as you find her, bye

Got some work talk to you later brother" he hung up the phone

I got ready as soon as I could and left the house to find Emma. I called all her friends, Caroline and her colleague, but no one seem to answer my calls. Then I went to the college, I looked around she was not there when I asked a few teachers I found out Emma has gone on a 7-day trip. She will probably return in 5-6 days. I was out of my mind what am I supposed to do now.

I went back home, that house that was made home by Emma. I could remember every moment of us living together. I sat down with a bottle of whiskey in my hand and switched off my phone. And drank neat alcohol until I passed out right there on the floor.

When I opened my eyes I saw Tan helping me to get up and get to the bed

"Emma please come back" that was all I could say repeatedly again and again.

"Hyun don't worry I will bring her back, I won't let that happen to you again"

I was so drunk I passed out again.

Days passed, and Tan moved in with me to take care of me, I spent all day in my pajamas drinking. When I asked Tan how he found me he informed me Emma left her house keys in a packet at the office reception for Tan.

Tan was trying to keep my life together but was losing it, I called Emma 100 times in a day until she blocked my number.

Now it was the day when Emma was going to be back from the trip. I got dressed and went to the college where her bus was about to return from the trip, I waited for hours there. Then I saw the bus, I saw Emma on the bus. We had eye contact.

Emma got down from the bus as she was walking away pretending not to know me I followed her

"Emma Emma wait, just talk to me"

"Why? Give me one good reason Tae-ho or should I call Won the Heir of the Jeguk group. You know what forget it and for the god, sake stop calling me"

"Emma let me explain!"

"Explain what, You lied to me and you broke my trust" as she turned around I tried to grab her hand she slapped me hard and left.

After getting slapped by here I came back home feeling ashamed of myself what did I lie to such a person. I want Emma back and ill get her back no matter what! In my house. I had nobody, how am I gonna make her listen to me.

After that day I decided to be quiet, I rarely talked to anyone, and I mostly left my phone at home. I hardly ate, Tan took care of me. But I didn't even talk to him. I was too broken to say anything, I cried all day at times, and drank all kinds of alcohol.

Then I decided to follow her around until she finally agrees to listen to me, I followed her everywhere college, the library, even walked in the rain without an umbrella, that's all I could think about. Tan lived with me while I was in depression he took care of business here and with Jae-ho there too. Jae-ho tried to talk to me but I was in no position to have a conversation with anyone at this moment. I came home sometimes drunk sometimes drooling in wet clothes. Tan took care of me pretty patiently. A couple of months passed by I tried to get over Emma and focus on my work but I couldn't. Still, I tried to stalk her less day by day, she seemed happy and even at some point I thought she was over me.

One day I was just passing by the area where Emma is currently living, it was past evening almost night I should say, the traffic lights were out, I couldn't still get over the fact Emma and I have not talked after she slapped me I got distracted in my own thoughts thinking about Emma. Suddenly I see a blue Ferrari speeding up on the road coming up to me until I could move away it struck me hard on my left leg and I blacked out.

It was a long deep nap I should say when I woke up. In front of my eyes, I see Tan standing

"Hyun, are you all right?"

The doctor come in to check me up I noticed my left leg and had had a plaster, must have broken my arm. My spinal cord hurt. I had a huge belt tied around my neck. And had a bandage wrapped around my head. And my whole body was in a lot of pain. I blackout again.

When I woke up the next morning. I saw Tan sleeping on the side couch, he prepared breakfast for me and even feed me. We didn't talk much because I wasn't in any position to do so, but I missed Emma now I can't even stalk her.

A few days later, I remembered Tan had an exam. He applied for it a few months ago and its date was in the coming week, I decided to talk to him about it. I knew for a fact that he will skip it to take care of me, but I won't let that happen.

Tan walked up to me with my lunch. I sat down and we started eating together

"Tan what about your competitive exam, When is it happening"

"I called it off"

"What! Why the hell would you do that?"

"Hyung, who will take care of you then?"

"Doctors, who else will, and we don't have any less money to hire an entire. Round of doctors to take care of me."

"Huyn still"

"Do you still love me? Then you will probably appear for that exam, end of discussion. If you're done with the food you might leave"

That was my last statement before he left the room, in anger.

I said to myself sometimes you got to take the hard road to make kids do the right thing. 

Tan convinced me before leaving that he is gonna hire someone good to take care of me until he gets back from Seoul. I agreed to it after all.

I shifted to my house the next day. I was so weak I couldn't feel my leg and arm because of the plaster. My medicines made me feel like I was on drugs now and then. There was a knock on the door. I said come in, and I was stunned.

If That's What Destiny Wanted Chapter 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora