Chapter 7 Moving In

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I opened the door, man look strange
"Sir, did you call for a bone doctor"
"I did!"
"Sorry, for my strange appearance, I was on my home back from a party"
"Can you just check her up she is in lot of pain"
"Sure, can I come in"
I let him in, he seem not that strange anymore. He checked Emma and said it was just a ligament tear and it will be better in a week. But she had to be on complete bed rest for at least 4-5 days.
Emma was given a pain killer by the doctor for her pain, as we headed out of the suit doctor said 

"Sir, you should take care of the lady, it is a small tear but if she pressurizes her leg the ligament might get worst " 

"Okay, doctor, and what about X-ray, is it required" 

"Currently we need to observe the patient first if she has extreme pain tomorrow then I would definitely recommend an X-ray" 

"Okay, doctor I will stay in touch with you" 

"Let me know her state tomorrow" as I returned to the room, I saw Emma was already asleep. I kept a pillow under her sprained leg very genteelly and covered her with a blanket.

I went out in the lobby because I needed to make some arrangements. I can't go to the office tomorrow and leave Emma like this alone in the room, what am I going to do about work, sometimes I really wish I was an employee of this company and not the President. The first name I got in my head was Yoon Jae Ho, I didn't know what I am supposed to tell him but still, I connected the call 


"Yes, Sir" 

"What are u doing" 

"I was just working on the management of stokes of our new project, did you know why Mr. Wesley isn't still sure about inventing" 

"Yea he might get a better offer from US biggest dealer Mr. Sommerhalder" 


"Sir, what about work there, is everything going well" 

"Yea, everything is fine, I called to ask you something" 

"Yes, Sir go on" I didn't know what to answer him or what to say, rather than winding it all up I came straight to the point. 

"Tell me something" 


"Can I do work from home for few days" 

"What? If working like that was possible won't you have been in Korea itself" 

"You're not helping" 

"Has something come up, You have been acting strange" 

"You still didn't answer my question, can I or can I not do work from home for few days" 

"Of course you can Sir, You're the owner of the company, you can make things you're way"   

"That's what I was wanting to hear. You got to help me" 

"I'll help you, I'll line up your schedules, I'll do it according to your time convince" 

"That's what I love about you, Great" 

"Are you planning to tell me why are you doing this" 

"Not tonight" I hang up the call.

I went back inside and slept in the same bed as Emma. I watch her sleep, she looked so pretty. It's a long time since I shared a bed with someone. I can't deny but whenever I use to share a bed with Hyun-joo those were my best night, I use to sleep really peacefully. I watched her and slept.

The next morning as she woke up, I had prepared a bed-in breakfast for her. As she opened her eyes 

"Are you alright? Morning sunshine" I touched her face and asked her 

"I am okay" she replied with a smile. 

"What do you want for breakfast" 

"Anything would work" 

"I made pancakes. Are still in pain" 

"Yea a bit" 

"You look sick Emma". 

We didn't talk much she ate took her medicine and slept again. I did my office work in the meanwhile I took care of her as she rested; I even called the doctor to tell him she slept all day. The doctor said it was fine, the more she rests the more she will heal. 

I prepared dinner for her while having dinner she asked me 

"How was your day" 

"Didn't you went to the office" 

"I didn't I took a day off but worked from here itself" 

"I have been creating so much trouble for you lately" 

"Caroline threatened me if I don't take care of you, she would sue me, Do you what that to happen" 

"How lucky I am to get people like you and Caroline" 

"Everything has its own way" 

"I guess so" 

"That day you asked me that have I had never been to Korea? I think I own an answer to you" 

"Look, Emma, there is no need for you to answer anything, just get well soon then we will talk about it later" she looked down 

"Now take your pills and go to sleep, the more you rest will help you to recover soon" I said then I took her to bed, kissed her forehead 

"Won't you sleep" 

"I have some work, let me get over with that. Then I'll sleep" 

"Okay goodnight" she lied down and closed her eyes.

I went to my study table and checked up on work going on in our project in Korea.

After a week when Emma got a bit better, she asked me to move in with her as she was on her feet again. I moved out of the villa of Zeus hotel. We got settled in Emma's apartment, we shared rent and lived really happy. It had been one week since I moved in with Emma. I knew if someone from Korea finds out they would be curious as to why am been living in this apartment, I might get into trouble soon but I avoided that fact for now.

I did share from Yoon Jae Ho that I have been dating this girl in Washington, which is why I moved in with her. He did warn me that if father finds out he will call off for me. And I would have to back to be in Korea in no time.

That evening after we had dinner, 

"Do you wanna hear a story?" 

"Yeah sure," I replied 

"Three years ago, a girl met with an accident. It was Christmas Eve, she was hit in a road accident. Because of the snowfall, there were many accidents that night. She was badly wounded, there was inner and outer bleeding from her body, her Frontal lobe and Parental Lob was wounded, and she was in a terrible state after the operation. The doctor said that she might not be able to survive, the day when Jesus Christ was born that girl was given another life, it was nothing but a miracle. That girl lost her whole past life memory and wasn't able to speak any language from her previous life. So she was taught to speak English, just like you teach a newborn child to speak his mother tongue."

"Do you know who that girl was" she added 

"That was you" 

"Yes that was me, That's why when you asked 'did you never visit Korea' I didn't know the answer? When I listen to u talk in Korea, I feel like I know this language. I feel like I have heard it a lot before, but I couldn't understand or speak it" 

Is that even possible, I don't believe it at all really. But I trust her words. Is that what destiny has planned for me.

Let's see what happens next. If Emma just told me the truth, soon I'll have to confess it to. How on earth will I do that.

If That's What Destiny Wanted Chapter 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora