Chapter 10 Family

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 I finished my work and went home, Emma wasn't home yet. I called her a couple of times but it seems that she is ignoring me for time being. I waited for her hours, finally around, 9 pm she was back home 


"Your home early, I didn't expect you to be that early" Her tone had rudeness. 

I didn't know how to start "Why are you like this" 

"What do you mean, it was just a hectic day nothing else" 

"Should I cook something for you" 

"Don't bother yourself, I don't have an appetite today" I held her hand as she was about to step into her room.

"What let me go? I am in no mood for you today" 

"We are going somewhere" 

"I don't want to" 

"Emma, just come with me" I dragged her to the hotel where Tan was staying.

"Where are we going, you'll know when we get there," Emma asked me as we entered the lobby of the hotel. We reached the floor and ringed the bell. 

Tan opened the door, "Have we met before, I am sure I have seen you somewhere?" Emma said looking at Tan. 

"Please come in" Tan invited us in 

"Is the food already here," Eun-sang said drying her hair. As we stepped in 

"Emma meet my little brother Tan and my going to be sister-in-law Chan Eun-sang". Tan and Eun-sang greeted Emma with respect.

"Would you guys, go out with us for dinner?" Eun-sang asked. Emma was shocked she looked at me, Eun-sang asked again then she nodded, as they went inside to get dressed. 

"Sorry, for misunderstanding you" Emma said to me

"It's okay, I would have reacted the same way if I was you" 

"How did you know?" 

"Eun-sang saw you leaving the hotel and when you rejected my calls. When you came home with your tone I realized, you must have misunderstood me". 

Later we all went out for dinner. I was happy to be around people who love me dearly. Hyun-joo, Tan, Eun-sang we never got a chance back then to be together like this. As Emma and Eun-sang had met earlier they blended up well together and with Tan, his nature anybody could blend with him well. Later that night Emma told me she really had a good time and I was lucky to have a family like Tan and Eun-sang. I was glad that she enjoyed but what worries me more is what if father finds out, what I am doing here all along. He might try to destroy everything as he did before. I have made a final decision that before confessing the truth to Emma I'll first clear her path to our messed-up family.

We went back home it was a tiring day for both of us mentally as well as physically. We slept in each other's arms, Emma fell asleep in a min but I couldn't. I was worried about it now, what if father finds out. What is he going to do this time, I can't fool him and he is too clever to be fooled by his sons.

I got of bed went to the balcony and called Yoon Jae Ho, 


"How have u been" I asked 

"Well, I am doing fine" 

"Can you do me a favor" 

"Anything, Sir". I paused for a moment, I didn't have words in my mouth 

"Is everything okay, you seem worried" he question in curiosity, 

"You know" 

"Yes, I know what? You are being too formal. There is something majorly wrong, is it?" 

"Ahh, that" 

"Is everything alright with your girlfriend?" 

"I am planning to come back to Korea" 

"Did you get dumped?" 

"What? You should know your limit!" 

"I do, why do you want to come back you still have a lot to do there in the DC office" 

"Not that is any of your business but I am very happy with my Girlfriend" 

"Is she happy too?" 

"You!" I calm myself down, I knew he was just teasing me 

"I am coming for a 3-4 day trip to Korea" 


"I don't really have to answer all of your questions" 

"Are you that serious about your Girlfriend" 

"How do you know it's about her" 

"I know you three (Chairman, Tan and you) way more than you think Sir" 

"So are you going to be on my side, and help me go through it" 

"Time will tell that" 

"What kind of statement is that! I have told you many times I am loyal to no one, I am on no one's side but only Jeguk Group" it was pointless to ask him to take sides like always I am disappointed by his answer, but I have no choice. 

"When should I book your tickets" as it was Saturday.

"Next to next week Monday, how does that sound" 

"I'll check your schedule and get back to you" 

"Sounds good, goodnight" I hung up the call.

I have made my decision to talk to my father directly about Hyun-joo/Emma. Before things go wrong I'll try to convince him to let me date her.

The next morning, Emma was up before me, as she came to wake me up. I grabbed her back to the bed, told her I won't let her go ever, we made out for a while until she got a call. It was from someone from college, while having breakfast I told her that I'll be going on a trip to Korea for 3-4 days. As I was worried about her living alone in the Apartment, she said it was fine and she will be happy if I focus on my work and worry about her a bit less. I was happy to hear her words.

Later that day, we all went shopping Eun-sang, Tan, Emma, and me. The fact I love about shopping is wasting money recklessly on my women, even tho Emma always wondered how I can afford so much with a job like that. She never asked me directly about it. After all, we are The Heir of Jeguk Group, Our ancestors will be disappointed if we didn't spend the money they earned on our life partners. After getting all the shopping bags in the car we all decided to have lunch. Later on, went to a Game Zone to have some more fun. All around the day went well.

"Hyun, so what have you planned for Tan's birthday?"

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