Chapter 18: The Place I call Home

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As I sat back calmly thinking about Tan and Eun-sang's relationship. I thought about Emma, where would she be right now. It's been a while since I have seen her. The last time I saw her she was quite happy hanging around with her collogues. I was waiting for a nurse to show up, it would be great if a male nurse showed up with a female around in this house where I and Emma use to live, won't be comfortable. I should have stayed in the hospital instead. Someone rang the bell, I said come in and I was in my bedroom, and suddenly Emma was standing in front of me. First I was shocked when I realized I must be hallucinating. I started smiling, she was still standing there.

"Are you alright?" she said

"Are you here, like for real?"

"You thought I was a ghost?"

"No, I thought you were in my mind. How are you here, didn't you leave the house?"

"Do you wish me to leave again?"

"I didn't say that?"

"Okay, Tan asked me to look after you and take care of you for a few days until he is back from Soule. Even I wanted to earn some extra money so I agreed to be a few days nurse with you"

"thank you"

Initially, I was pretty happy knowing Emma, is here for me because she cares, but then days passes, and it was like she totally different person now, she didn't smile at me. Just helped me out as a nurse. It was nothing like before it was all about taking my caregiving medicines on time. When I tried to have a conversation she didn't respond. The next day I tried to deny eating food or medicine, she didn't even care, live or die who care, she literally said that in words.

That was my end of patience, now ill probably fire her for being a rude nurse. That's all I could do right, that day when she said she was leaving. I replied

"Emma would you stop being so stubborn for once and just listen to me, What did I do so bad that now u don't even care I live or die. Is this what you'll be like from now on? Then I probably should die instead. You're fired because I don't wish to live anymore from now on"

All I could see was her back she didn't even turn when I said all those words she just left, and I was left alone for the rest of my life.

The next morning even when I was half asleep I could smell fresh baked fruit cake and roses.

When I opened my eyes I saw a rose bouquet, it had a card saying "I am so sorry, that I have been such a rude nurse to you" when I turned the page it said "I am ready to hear the whole story"

I was still angry but again, she is the love of my life.


"coming" she replied after a hell lot of days

We sat at the breakfast table, after completing our meal

"Emma, I am going to tell you a story. Just hear it like a story. I love what we have become here and this story shouldn't affect both of us or our life here.

When I was in college I fell in love with this beautiful girl, and we started dating, we had beautiful dates, we walked in the snow and talked for hours. And it was all beautiful until one day my father found out. I started noticing that I was being tailed. And after a week my father called me to his office and told me to stop singing Hyun-Joo. As according to him it was just a silly affair and if I was seen in the media with her it will be trouble for my family's reputation. I didn't listen to him I kept on seeing her. But in my mind I was scared.

You know Tan isn't my real brother right? So at that time, Tan was sent away to the US for studies. I had more insecurity in my life, that if I do not perform well in the business what if he name the whole property after Tan's name. I was so insecure Man that I always kept my Girlfriend in the second position on my priority list, and never brought her in public. My father humiliated Hyun-Joo many times calling her to his office and telling her that she does not belong there and she should stay away from Me. So I kept her in the dark all by myself but I guess that is not how the relationship works. After Tan revolted against everything to get Eun-sang, it taught me a lesson if I want something I got to fight for it.

Hyun-Joo and I broke up when an article was arranged 4 years ago about my Arrange marriage to the Granddaughter of the owner of telly communications owner. I had to save my company from my evil stepmother and had no other choice but to sacrifice my love for the one thing my father fought for all his life. After 6 months, the girl I was engaged to be pregnant with his boyfriend's child, and her father broke the deal. My father was so upset and felt like a loser. At that time I decided I am gonna work hard day and night and make his company an international brand.

When I came to the US I met you and again fell in love with you, the reason I didn't tell you was that you were pretty happy after forgetting all the humiliation she got when she was with me, my father's torture."

"What happens now? What if he finds out now, don't you think the story won't repeat?"

"it won't" I replied with a smile

"because I went to Seoul to talk to my Dad and told him everything, he did gave me a hard time but in the end he allowed me to do anything I wish to" I added

"really" Emma hugged me and I reached her lips and kissed them with all my love, I can't even believe it, I have her in my half-broken arms.

The next morning Emma shifted back to 'The place I call home'.

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