Chapter 12 Tan's Birthday

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It was 7 pm and the preparation was almost done. I love the way Emma was enthusiastically preparing for Tan birthday.

"Everything is done," I asked

"Almost. Will Tan like it?"

"He would love it" as I stepped ahead to kiss Emma, the doorbell rang. Emma kissed me shortly and ran towards the door.

I got a call from the office so I went inside the room to attend it. As I was done with the call I saw a handsome Korean man kissing Emma hand, I didn't recognize him at once but I felt jealous the way he was holding Emma hand and looking at her. I walked up to him and realized he was Tan's childhood friend Lee Hyo-shin.

"Welcome," I said

"It's been a while Won," he said with a sharp tone. He shouldn't have called me Won, but I manipulated it with Hyun

"Hyun? I am not your Hyun" I replied

"Your, Tan Hyun so technically I could call you Hyun right!" he questioned. Emma watched us while we talked

"I would like it if you called me Tae-ho instead"

Emma got a call and went to the balcony to attend to it

"As you wish" he replied. It was like he challenged me in an indirect way, I didn't like it but what choice did I have.

"Guys, Eun-sang called, they will be here in 10 minute" Emma said

Hyo-shin went to the kitchen "Can I help you with something"

"No everything is almost ready; just could you help me with cake decoration"

"Sure" Hyo-shin help Emma with cake and dinner table decoration, if I would have stepped in it would be an awkward situation for Emma so I stayed back.

Then as we were hiding there it was almost time for Tan to show up, I was with Emma under the table, it was dark so I quickly kissed her lips taking advantage of dark.

Tan entered with Eun-sang and questioned

"Why is it so dark?".

After a while, Chan Eun-sang entered with cake in her hand and lighted birthday candles on the cake.

She sang a birthday song alone in the dark it seems kinda romantic and as she moves ahead. We turned the lights on and we all sang the birthday song too. He was surprised to find all of us like this and stunned to see the whole house decorated with his fav Colour purple.

His face glowed like a child who got his dream come true. To me he is and always gonna be a child it's just that it took me a long time to realise what he means to me.

After the birthday Tan cut the cake it was his fav red velvet flavour he moved towards me to feed me the first piece, and Eun-sang the second one.

Emma was so happy. Tan was surprised to meet Lee Hyun-shin. So our surprise went well after all. Then all of us enjoyed the dinner together Tan loved his birthday suprise so our plan was a huge success, the night went well after we all enjoyed eating Tan fav food in the end of the day.

At night all I could think about is what will I say when I face father, how on earth I would be able to convince him. I have to talk to Tan about it, if not help then at least he could just be my back support in this crucial moment of my life. As I lay in bed Emma came to me took my hand and lay down on the bed in my arms

"Are you really going on Monday"

"Are you asking me to stay"

"Why not"

If That's What Destiny Wanted Chapter 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora