Afghanistan: The Week After

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Deeks's POV

I was sat next to Kensi on her couch, comforting her in my arms. She'd had a long past few months, after being kidnapped by Afghans, and tortured so she was so weak. I was really worrried because, I didn't want to lose the person I trusted the most and loved the most, ever. Kensi is my best friend, my hope and, well, the girl I have feelings for, but I don't think now is the right time to break it to her. Not in this situation, but I've been with her every step of the way.

It was almost 3am, I'd been at my partners house since around 8pm, when I finally clocked off work. I'd brung over some Kronuts and Twinkies for Kensi, her favourite. But she hadn't touched any.

"Kens, you gotta eat something, you're starving yourself"

"Hmmm, no" she murmured under her aching breath on my chest, she was laying across the couch in a blanket. Kensi could barely move, bless her soul, as she was wrapped up in bandages and full of bruises and cuts from being tortured. I just wish it was me, not her.

"Come on princess, you haven't eaten in days, you're going to suffer more and your body won't heal" I whispered, speaking softly.

"I haven't eaten in four months Deeks, I feel like throwing up food every time-" she took a breath, "-every time I smell it or put it in my mouth"

"I'm so sorry this has happened, here, let me help"

I sat Kensi up but she screeched a little, I tried not to hurt her. She was so skinny, she'd lost all of her weight from not eating or drinking anything. I put a pillow behind Kensi's neck while she sat up, and I went to the kitchen to grab some ice cream from her freezer. I portioned it up into a bowl and grabbed a spoon, but even though it was a small portion, it was plain so whatever she threw up, if she did, would be vanilla flavoured. I returned to the couch and snuggled up next to her.

"Here, have some of this. It's only small, and it's liquid- ish, so you should be able to stomach it. Ice cream's always good for bad days" I giggled a little. I saw Kensi smile and try to laugh for the first time since she'd been back, which made me smile even more because I knew how much it meant to her that I was here.

"Ohh, don't make me laugh, it hurts" she said, grasping her rib cage tightly.

"I'm sorry..." I looked guilty. "Can I take a look?"

I was looked at by some soft eyes, Kensi looked like she was about to cry. She just looked down and intertwined her fingers, and I put the ice cream bowl on the table.

"Please?" I asked gently, not pressuring her though. She sniffed a little, and let out a little "okay," but no sound came out. I smiled a little, pulling off the blanket to see her blue pyjamas.

I slowly lifted up her t-shirt to see what she was gripping onto on her rib cage.


"Oh my-" I said, shocked at the view. A large, purple bruise with red blood spots was surrounding her rib cage, just underneath her bra line, and when I tapped on the area Kensi screeched.

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to hurt you. But I must admit, it's a lovely view if your shirt went a little higher up" I joked.

"Shut up Deeks"

"Okay" I replied. I sat back down next to her, pulling the blanket over her, but picking up the half- melted ice cream. Kensi laid her head on my shoulder as I licked the spoon of ice cream, and she looked at me.

"May I?" She asked politely. I slowly fed her a spoon of ice cream, as she was too weak to do it herself. Soon enough, Kensi had finished the bowl of ice cream. But before I could move and put the bowl away, she was asleep on my arm.

I stood up and she melted into the couch, so I picked her up so carefully, and took her to the bedroom where I placed her under the bed sheets.

"Don't leave" I heard a whisper as I was about to leave the room.

"What?" I asked. She used her arm and patted the side of the bed, telling me to stay with her and keep her company for the night.

"Okay, sugarbear" I smiled, laying down next to Kensi. I kissed her forehead lightly, but not touching her cuts, when I saw a little smile rise within her cheeks. I kept her close to me, so I knew that I was going to be there with her, every step of the way.

A/N: hey guys! So, I have writers block and I don't really know what one shots to write, most of the time they come from TikTok lol (thanks Nat for sharing them with me)! If you have any ideas, let me know!

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