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A/N: sorry i've not been active!! i've been busy with school work, now i'm back on track so i'll be writing more!! kinda have writers block tho.. if you have any prompts you can send to me, go ahead :)
anyway, i think y'all deserve this chapter ;)

Deeks's POV

"Pretty long day, huh?" Kensi asked from down the end of the phone, we were on FaceTime. I needed to hear her voice after a day like today, we were so exhausted. Well, I was anyway, but I was also so intrigued by my partner.

"Yeah..." I replied, daydreaming. Kensi looked into the camera as I stared for a second. Her hair was down and wavy, she was sat on a stool leaning on her kitchen counter with her phone leaning on what I assumed was either a bread bin or the wall. Her eyes glistened and her teeth shone a bright white when she smiled, it made me so happy. Her arms were crossed on top of one another, with her top two shirt buttons undone as she leant closer to the camera, revealing a small portion of her cleavage.

"Deeks!?" I heard her angelic voice question me. "You've zoned out, are you good!?"

"Uhh, yeah, yeah, what's up?" I asked, but only to realise I had a huge bulge in my pants, and my hand had drifted towards the zip. Holy crap, my partner turned me on so bad.

"Well, I was just thinking about today, you know;" she began, I was trying my hardest to listen, but I arched my back as I carried on listening.

"Well, Frank went back to having no wife or kids today... and that's really sad because, that could be one of us one day. His poor family was in that horrible explosion in the park, and now he's grieving real bad. And, I wouldn't want to be in that position. It just makes me wonder like, how long am I gonna be doing this for? And obviously I love my job, and I love my partner, and I love the work...." She rambled on.

I listened to her soft voice fill my ears, as I found my hand holding myself and motioning up and down, I was also fidgeting. I let out a little whine as I pleased myself down the end of the phone.

"Oh my god, Deeks... are you...?" I heard Kensi's concerned voice.

"What!? No, why would I-"

"EW! DEEKS! THATS DISGUSTING! STOP IT!" She yelled, but I looked at the camera as I bit my lip to let her see what was going on. "I mean....." she began more, smirking at me through the screen. "You're looking very, breedable and submissive right now, aren't you?" She smirked more, biting her lip too.

"I sure am, baby girl... you wanna play hide and seek? My detective skills could investigate your location and I could get you transferred to my bedroom" I giggled, giving her my best booty-call line.

"Oh wow, those are some pretty good skills there, I'm flattered" she smiled.

I whined a little bit, as I replied with, "you're not flattered enough baby" I smiled, we both giggled down the phone.

"Is this really who we are?" Kensi asked, seriously. "Like, is this what it's worth?"

"Oh you know what it's worth" I winked. She smiled back.

"I'm on my way" she winked at me as she hung up, wasn't I getting pleased tonight!?

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