Christmas Surprise

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Kensi's POV:

Me and Deeks pulled up to our house, our brightly, heavily decorated home after half a days work. Today was Christmas Day, considering we had to work but it was only for half a day, which mostly consisted of filling out paperwork and handing out gifts to the team. Eric and Nell had turned up, which was unexpected, as we all assumed that they'd spend Christmas in Tokyo celebrating, but they decided to come back to Los Angeles and stay over in a Hotel for the holidays. Also, Hetty was there with admiral Kilbride, who were sharing eggnog out of one glass. Cute, right?

I opened the car door, and i could hear the kids laughing and running around from outside, as I hopped out the car. They honestly were our Christmas miracles; they both came unexpectedly, I fell pregnant a few years back with our first little one, Athena, who was just turning 5 in a few days. She had been in and out of hospital over the years with various problems such as digestion issues, fainting, infections, pneumonia, joint pains, bumps and bruises, broken bones and every other little thing. But for the past few months, she'd been okay.

Zachary, who was 2, is our adopted son who we've raised since he was a baby- his mother was killed by an assassin, a case we worked on so she had to have an emergency c-section. Her husband wasn't around as he died a few years before, but the mothers parents gave consent for us to adopt him after hearing our story. We named him Zachary Owen Blye-Deeks ; Owen after Granger (RIP), and raised him just as our own. It's been a long journey these past few years, but this Christmas was going to be great.

"I guess we'd better go inside and see what our parents have done, huh?" Deeks asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah. Something smells good!" I smiled, walking up to the house and opening the door as Deeks locked the Audi.

Both my mother, Julia, and Deeks's, Roberta, insisted on cooking Christmas dinner this year as we could spend it as a whole family.

In unison, Athena and Zack stopped what they were doing and ran to me and Deeks, grabbing our legs and hugging us. "Mommy! Daddy! You're home!" Their little voices screamed as we shut the door.

"Heya my little sugar plums!" Deeks shouted, lifting both of the toddlers up in his arms and helping them finish decorating the tree.

"Hey mom" I said, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh hello Kensi, how was your day at work? The children have been as good as gold, playing with their new train sets I bought them"

"Don't forget the bikes I bought them!" Roberta shouted from behind, pulling out the turkey from the oven.

"They had fun then!" I said, leaning on the kitchen counter meanwhile Deeks played with the kids.

The ladies began dishing up our Christmas dinner whilst I made my way over to the tree, searching through the presents ready to hand out. As I bent over, I felt a smack against my ass. I turned around and gasped but laughed, to see Deeks kneeling down beside me.

"The kids are at the table ready for their lunch, we should totally go get ready" he winked, and I bit my lip. I  put the last bauble on the tree and a tied a bow with ribbon and placed it up on the tree.

"Yeah, just gotta finish sorting out these presents under the tree, some of the ribbons have come off and they aren't wrapped properly" I said, looking down.

"You know I can wrap you up like a present and untie you like a bow" Deeks said, slapping a kiss on my lips. Just then, screeching voices filled the room as we broke away.

"Ewwww!" Athena said, disgusted. "Mommy and Daddy kissed!"

"Get a room guys, go be elves and play with your toys in the bedroom, we don't want liquid snow here!" Roberta yelled as she put the food on the table, clearing up the area.

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