I miss her

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Deeks's POV:

I'd just finished work, my legs lagging a little, slowing my pace down as I left NCIS HQ. My feet left footprints in the sheets of white snow, as flakes Felle from the SKU landing in my shaggy hair.

I couldn't believe it, Kensi had been taken to a classified mission a few weeks ago, and I don't know when she's coming back. I miss her. I miss her smiles, her laugh, her strawberry scented smell; that's what got me through my day. I slowly became worried about her, because, Kensi was my everything and I get super scared when she's out on her own, last time that happened in Afghanistan, it didn't end well for any of us. I wouldn't let Kensi be alone on a mission without me because I wanted to make sure she was safe.

I sat in the car and rested my head back in the seat letting out a huge sigh as my phone pinged. It was Callen.

C: Just seen Kensi at the airport as I was boarding for Hawaii, her taxi is late, come pick her up dude, she needs you. :) she looks a bit rough, I tried to calm her down but she walked away..

I revved up the engine of the truck and zoomed out to LAX, where a smile grew on my face. I couldn't wait to see Kensi again, she needed me. I knew this was going to be horrible, if she looked rough she'd obviously had a bad time.

Soon I was there, I ran into the terminal finding where her flight had come from. I ran round shouting her name, but I couldn't find her. Just then, in the distance, I saw a brunette girl, walking towards me, tanned skin, mismatched eyes... it was Kensi!!

"KENS! ITS DEEKS!" I yelled, running through he crowd. She looked up in the distance, saw me and smiled, dropping her bags as she ran towards me.

"Deeks!" She laughed, running into my arms. "I've missed you so much, the craziest shit happened out there" she said to me as my hands were on her cheeks, her face all multiple different colours and cuts and bruises all over her body.

"It's okay, im here now"

I held Kensi tightly for a few seconds before letting her out of a hug, and held her hand. "Here, let me help you with these." I offered, grabbing her suitcase. I held her hand all the way to the reception, held her hand all the way through the terminals and held it right to the car. We stepped outside into the freezing cold once again as Kensi let out a shiver.

"Here, take this" I said, putting the cases in the back of the truck, I took my jacket off and put it over her shoulders.

"Th-thank you" Kensi shivered as I let her into a hug again. "You don't know how much I missed you Deeks, I needed you" she whispered, crying on my shoulders as I held her close in my chest. I comforted her, holding her close, when she lifted her head up and wiping her tears away. I put her hands in mine and inched closer.

"I missed you too, Kens" I smiled, she tried to let a grin out but I let my lips take over, and kissed her softly in the snow, as the flakes fell faster, submerging us in the thick white fluff.

We soon got in the truck, and I drove back to mine.

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