Tea Party

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Kensi's POV

"No, I'm fine, leave me alone!" I said to Deeks, sitting on the sofa in a stern voice.

I was a little moody after coming home from a case, because I'd given Deeks a list of housework to get done and he hadn't done any of it, therefore I had to come in and get all the laundry done, wash the dishes, and tidy Athena's clothes in her bedroom. Athena was our little miracle; we'd been trying to get pregnant for two years, with the failure of IVF and incomplete adoption forms. At that point we'd given up hope but then our little girl popped into our lives. She's now a happy, healthy two year old. (After so many hospital visits, the doctors are practically her best friends now- she even knows all their names, she's like the famous face).

Deeks huffed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his legs, sat on the floor in the corner, and picked up the little teapot. I was getting hungry but I was too stubborn to ask Deeks to cook dinner (and I was awfully lazy after being worn out from chasing bad guys all day), so I ordered Pizza.

Athena was sat playing on the little blanket, making sound effects as she poured her daddy a little cup of tea. Deeks laughed, and glanced up at me every few seconds but I looked away and switched back to watching top model on the tv every time.

"Hey baby, I think this tea party is a little bit small, why don't you invite mommy?" Deeks said to Athena as she jumped up in excitement.

"Yeah!" She said in her little high pitched voice. She got herself up and wobbled a bit, so Deeks helped her up as she came running over to me. "Mama? Pwease can you come pway with me?"

"Oh no, honey, thank you for the offer but mama's really tired and im a little bit full" I said, I really couldn't be bothered and I didn't want to talk to Deeks. A frown grew on Athena's face and tears formed in her eyes as she looked down, I couldn't resist making my baby sad. "Oh, go on then!" I said, smiling back.

I slowly moved myself from the sofa to the corner of the room, where I sat the other side of my baby, leaving a gap between my cranky self and my husband. I gasped as I felt his hand touch my shoulder as Athena bent over to reach for another teapot.

"Hmm, it's still lonely here, why don't you go grab some teddies? I'm sure Mr and Mrs Brown-Bear would love to join!" Deeks said, as Athena giggled and ran to her bedroom to collect her toys.

Deeks put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, but I looked down and attempted to pull away.

"I'm sorry sugarbear, I'll get it done next time. Please forgive me" he winced, cupping my face with his hands. I couldn't help but let out a small smile, getting lost within his baby blue eyes. I lean in, letting myself  forgive him.

"Here they are! They said they want biscuits too!" Athena smiled.

As my lips touched his, I heard little footsteps running towards us.

"Ew! Stop! That's gwoss!" Athena had a disgusted look on her face as she sat in front of us, dropping the bears.

"Don't you take any ideas little one. We don't want you kissing any boys now" Deeks said, I giggled as I watched the reaction in Athena's face form.

"No daddy! I'll get cooties!" We all laughed as she said that, I saw the grin on Deeks's face, and I couldn't get mine off my face.

Athena sat back down and organised her bears, sharing her tea and biscuits around. I smiled and leant my head on Deeks's shoulder, smiling as I admired this moment as it sank in my heart.

This is all I've ever wanted. A family.

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