Chapter 13: Panic! At Starbucks

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Phil's POV

"I'm going into town. Wanna come?" I asked Ariel and Dan, who were cuddling on the couch watching Kitchen Nightmares.

"Sure." Dan said.

Ariel nodded and agreed.

She got off of the couch first and was pulling Dan up with her.

"Why are you so heavy?" She said, stretching out the y in heavy.


"It's all those pancakes and malteasers!" I laugh.

Ariel looks back and me and smiles. Dan despondently stares at the door.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

He keeps staring and says, "I have hobbit hair and can't go out like this."

Ariel eyes up his hair. "Please?" She begs like a 4 year old and her eyes glitter. Dan rolls his eyes.

Ariel moves out her bottom lip and pouts.

"Ugh! Fine." He groans. "Can we at least get Starbucks?"


Ariel's POV

We walk to the corner, where the Starbucks is. My head is in a different place then it should be. I felt as if my feet were glued to the ground as I stood and looked at the cold street.

Phil almost died here.

I heard Dan calling out to me I heard it but it sounded like he was hundreds of kilometers away. My eyes just focused on the cars passing. I close my eyes as i feel a single tear roll down my cheek. Where would I be without him? I have Dan but I need Phil too. It's just like having a ring with no gem. Or only one bride or groom. I couldn't live without ether of them. How did I bear when he was in the hospital? Oh yeah. I didn't. I felt shaking. Like the entire world was falling down around me, little pieces of what used to be skyscrapers.



"Ariel!" The voices got closer and didn't seem so far.

I finally see the rest of the world. My eyes weren't just focused on the ground anymore. Dan and Phil were by my side, holding onto my shoulders and asking if I was okay. My breaths started getting shorter and heavier.


"P-p-Phil D-d-Dan?"

"Yes?"Phil responds horridly quick.

"I love you guys-" I say. At that exact moment my world goes dark.


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