Chapter 2: Surprise!

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Dan's POV


"You'll be fine." Phil said, fixing my black bowtie.

"I feel sick." I say.

"It's normal. Okay. You're done." Phil plays with my hair a bit. I smack his hand playfully.

"Do I look okay?"

"Yes Dan. You look amazing."

Phil waltzes out into the hallway


"Yes?" Her sexy voice replies.

"Daniel is ready."

"Okay. One minute!" she yells from the bathroom.

"Go get 'Em tiger." Phil pats my back.

I smile back and run to the living room sitting down and whipping out my iPhone and tweeting,


@Danisnotonfire Dan Howell

About to go out to dinner with the most beautiful woman I know! 💘💞


Just then I hear high heels clacking down the hallway. Ariel rests her arm on the wall and stares at me with a sexy look.

I check her out.

She's dressed in a red dress were theres no sleeves and top part (bust to bellybutton) is black with a golden zipper. Her dress looks short in the front, but is longer in the back. She's wearing her gold necklace I bought her that has her name written in cursive. Her heels are black and strappy. I see that she dyed her hair dark brown and that it was curled.

"Wow. Ariel, you look... Stunning."

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." She smiled.

I stood up and toke her hand. We walked out of the flat, and hailed a taxi.

"So. Where to?" Ariel asked.

"Somewhere fancy." I say.



"I expected you to be more specific."

"Ohhh. a restaurant."

She smiled at me and put her head on my chest.

Once we got there, I was sweating alot.

I had to go through with this.

I've wanted to for what seems like forever. We walk into the restaurant

"Howell for two please?" I said to the hostess.

"Ah Howell. Yes, right this way." She said pointing to the right of her. An empty ball room. Perfect.

"Dan" she gasps "you shouldn't have!"

"Oh yes I should've." I smiled.

She pulled me aside and kissed me.

"I love you so much." She murmurs against my lips.

We say "I love you" a whole lot, but hell, we don't lie about it.

I sit down and order champagne.

"Special occasion?" the waiter says. I turn around and pull the ring box. He smiles and makes the okay sign.

"Ariel?" I say, reaching for her hands.

"Mmhmm?" she says.

"Listen, I know that we both love each other very much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Okay enough with the cruddy speech.

Ariel Taylor, will you marry me?" I get down on one knee and open the box.

She stands up, frozen and speechless.

"YESS! I WILL MARRY YOU!" She says super excited. I slip the beautiful ring on her finger and twirl her around and hug her.

"Lets tell social media!" I say, knowing how happy my fans would be for us.


Ariel Taylor with Dan Howell

Ariel went from in a relationship to married


@Danisnotonfire Dan Howell

Ariel said yes!

*pic of Ariel's hand with ring*



| Yay! It's official now!

| *Pic of her hand with



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