Chapter 18: Reunited

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I had been let out from the hospital a couple days after Dan's big apology. I was planning on just staying at PJ's again but Dan insisted that i stayed there with him and Phil. I didnt have anything for the baby, like a crib or even a room. But i was told to not worry, so i hadnt really thought about it. My mind was blank at the moment. I didnt really have much emotions. I mean, i did, however i was mixed between okay and utterly terrified but also excited. I had a nightmare last night in which Ashton came and got custody of Clara. It was so scary thinking that he could do that. But reportedly he was in some type of jail/asylum.
I was excited to see Phil. I was just okay also. I hadn't understood what was happening. When i got into the taxi, Clara streched her tiny arms and yawned. The doctors told me that she is completely healthy, which i was obviously happy with. Dan got into the taxi next to me and smiled. "Im so glad that you're coming back."
"Me too." I smiled back.
"Boop." Dan said as he put his finger on Clara's nose. Clara giggled and reached out to grab Dan's finger.
"Shes so adorable." He whispers to me. I nod in response.
Honestly, i was really tired. I didnt want to fall asleep though because i was afraid of another nightmare.
I walked into the house, hesitantly.
Phil instantaneously greeted me with a big hug.
Dan walked in soon after, holding little Clara.
Phil admired Clara and his eyes glistened.
"She's.. Beautiful." He says, with a loss of words.
"Thank you." I smile.
"Clara needs a nap." I turn to Dan "You said that you have something sorted out?"
"Ah, yes." Dan says. He grabs my hand and practically drags me. Phil was right behind us with an ear-to-ear grin.
"Here." Dan says. "Walk in."
I look at the white door and put my hand on the knob. I turn it to be welcomed to a beautiful lilac painted room. The room is decorated with butterflies. There is a white cot in the corner with a mobile that has neon coloured flowers. There is a big white bear, -nearly as big as me- with a red bow tied around it's neck.
"Oh my goodness." I whisper.
"What do you think?" Phil excitedly said.
"I-i-it's.. beautiful." I stutter.
Dan smiles at me.
"Thank you both.. so much." I say.
"No problem." Dan says.
I pull them all into a group hug, making sure that I don't crush Clara.
"Well, we will let you put her down." Phil whispers. Him and Dan walk behind the door and smile, then close it.
"Do you like this, Clara?" I whisper.
I walk around and admire the beautiful room.
Clara smiles at my widely then yawns.
"You're a very sleepy baby." I laugh.
Clara does the job of putting herself down on her own. She fell asleep in my arms and I lower her down into the cot.

I walk downstairs into the lounge to see Dan and Phil on the couch talking about random things.
"She already went down?" Phil asks.
"Yeah. She's a good baby." I reply, flopping down onto the couch.
"Um.. Ariel?" Phil asked.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Your hospital band is still on."
"Oh. I didn't notice." I trailed off.
Dan and Phil got the message, seeing that I didn't want to be bothered and continued their conversation.
I scooted closer to Dan and he put his arm around me as I lowered my head onto his chest.
His fingers twirled through my brown hair, lovingly as he continued talking to Phil about whatever came into mind.

Soon enough, I found myself waking up in Phil's bed. However, no one was in the bed with me. I thought that Dan had just put me in here and Phil slept on the couch or something but I heard both of them talking to what seemed like an audience. I looked over at the clock to see that it was only 9:24. I realized that it was a Tuesday and Dan was doing his live show with Phil.
I decided to eavesdrop on what they were talking about.
"Clara is the cutest little girl in the world." Phil said.
"I'm so happy to have her here with us." Dan giggled. I could hear the genuineness in his voice.
Then, down the hall, Clara started crying.
I got up and like a zombie, went to go calm her down.
"Hey, hey, hey." I said in a soft tone. "It's okay." I picked up Clara and held her close whilst subtly bouncing around to soothe her.
"Oh, you've got her." Phil smiled.
"Yeah." I replied. "While I was asleep, did you guys just play with her and then put her back to bed?"
"Well, Dan did most of it. He said that you seemed tired and to just let you sleep."
I smiled. It was nice know that he had cared.
"Can I come into the live show?" I asked after a bit of comfortable silence.
"Of course!" Phil said. "Are you going to bring Clara?"
"I don't see why not. Staying up for a little while won't hurt. She's almost always tired anyway so she won't be trouble putting back down, anyway, she does seem kind of awake."
"Okay. come in when you're ready." Phil said, and with that he was off.
I placed Clara back in her crib and put my hair up, then grabbing her again and walking into Dan's room.
"And here's the little angel herself!" Dan said as I walked into his room casually.
The chat zoomed past with multiple comments, mostly saying "awe!!" Or people sending hearts and such.
It was cute knowing that everyone admired Clara.
Phil pulled up a chair and I sat behind him and Dan.
Clara held her cat plushy close and rattled it a couple of times throughout the show.
After a while, the show ended and everyone was tired.
Phil went back to his room after saying goodnight and I put Clara back down to sleep.
I snuck into Dan's bed, hoping that he didn't wake up.
He shuffled a bit after I got comfortable and wrapped his arm around my waist whilst pulling me closer to him, closing the gap between us. For the first time in the past month I've felt secure and loved.
I felt that this would get better.
I fell asleep with an arm around my waist and a smile on my lips.

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