Chapter 17: Welcome To The World

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Ariel's POV

I was two months pregnant when i left Dan. My stomach was now the size of a watermelon and the baby was due any minute now. Ah yes, it is the day my baby is supposed to be born, May 7th.
PJ walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and his chin onto my shoulder.
"My bestfrand is gonna have a babyyyyy" he sings. He was an amazing friend.
I had still been keeping in touch with Phil, just because. It still kind of broke my heart to hear Dan's name.
"I look like a fucking whale." I mutter.
"But a pretty whale."PJ giggles. I Laugh with him. He was so funny and we never got into arguments or anything in that nature.
"You are so cool." PJ said.
"Nahhhh" i giggled.
"You are really fucking cool and thats that!" he blurted out.
We laughed after that. I know that we laughed a lot but it was good for us.
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and a cold liquid running down my leg.
"PJ.." I stuttered.
"Huh?" He asked, looking down "oh fuck."
PJ toke my hand and i walked -dragged- to his car.
PJ put in the key and turned on the small vehicle. He started driving off quickly.
The contractions started coming and getting closer and closer.
Soon enough we were at the hospital and i was rushed into a room.

-- [sorry about skipping idk much about child birth stuff..]

I stroked the baby's head gently, calming their crying.
In my arms lies Clara Diana Taylor. Born at 4:17 PM. Her emerald eyes glistened like diamonds. She looked exactly like me, so that was good. I had told my family that i had left Dan And the baby was his. PJ walked into the room in awe of the beautiful infant girl in my arms.
I handed the baby over to him and just smiled. After cradling the baby in his arms i asked him to get my parents and siblings. He obeyed and walked out of the room whilst waving to the baby.
"Hi, love." I whispered. She stretched her little arms, messing up the little pink blanket, and yawned. I heard my father's voice from down the hall. In a matter of seconds, Melody and Dustin came busting through the doorway.
"Awe!" They said in unison.
"What's her name?" My mother asked.
"Does she have a middle name?" Melody asks.
"Yes, Diana, like me."
"Can i hold her?" My brother whispered. I nodded in response, and handed Clara over. Dustin smiled as he looked into Clara's green eyes.
"She looks exactly like you." his eyes squinted at me than Clara once again. "but she doesn't look like dan at all.."
"Oh that happens sometimes." PJ says, smiling at me. Thank god he said that or i would've been fucked.

Everyone passed around Clara and stared at her in awe.
Pj ran out to sneak me in some McDonalds.
"Ms. Taylor," a nurse said, walking into the room. "You have a visitor. They would like the visit to be private, if your family does not mind."
"Um, no. Its okay. Bring them in." I said, then shooing away my parents and siblings.

A minute or two later, a familiar figure walked into my room. I gripped Clara tighter as the 6'3" man walked closer to me.
"Get. Out." I said through gritted teeth.
"Please, forgive me. Everything was a mistake." Dan said.
"Including you!" I yelled.
"Okay then, You don't have to forgive me. Just please, hear me out." He sighed. "I don't really remember that night, it was fuzzy but i remember the next morning. I remember waking up, the girl being in the bathroom. I sat up, breathing really heavily, then, crying. I was so upset and angry with myself. I got back to our hotel quick enough before you woke up and before the girl found out. I had a banging headache. I toke medicine then got back into bed. However, i couldn't sleep. I started crying again. i was so mad at myself and ashamed that i did something, i wasn't proud of. I cut myself. It was another horrific mistake i made that week. I cried until you woke up, then acted okay. I didn't want to tell you because i was afraid that something like this would happen. I feel awful for what i did and i am so, so sorry."
I just nodded. I had felt bad. I really wanted to go back to him. i would just stay friends. I didnt know if he was keeping anything else from me, but i didnt want to risk it.
"I accept your apology." I said. Clara squirmed in my arms, i felt like she had known what was happening.
Dan sighed in relief.
"I don't know if you're keeping anything else from me though, or if theres anything else like that. Honestly, i do still love you. I did really miss you too. Like, a lot. I just don't really know if we can be together in the same way ever again, but why not try?"
Dan smiled widely.
"If you don't mind, may i hold Clara?"
I nodded and handed Clara to Dan. Dan's eyes were filled with love. I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I sat and admired Dan and Clara. I feel like things will get better soon.

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