Chapter 6: Nightmares and Medications.

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Ariel's POV
I woke up confused. Where the hell am I?!
"Ariel?" a man's voice says.
"Hello?" I call out. I heard a voice, or was that just me?
"Ariel?" the voice yelped out once again.
I heard it clearly. It was Phil. What was happening? I fell to the cold hard floor as I tried to get up. I was dizzy and felt sick, like I was going to throw up. I put my hand on the bed and managed to pull my self up
"Phil?! Where are you?" I sobbed
"Ariel- HELP!" I heard. I panicked and jumped up, following the screams. I ran as fast as I was able to run. I saw Phil and ran over to him, but when I tried to help him up, I couldn't feel him. my arm went right through him. How is this possible?! I kept trying to help Phil, but I couldn't. Why?
"Ariel! Ariel! Ariel!" I heard multiple voices calling out.
Phil started running away.
"Phil!" I shrieked. "Phil!"
"Ariel! Everyone move away!" I heard. What the hell is going on?
I blinked once and opened my eyes to be surrounded by doctors and nurses.
"Where's Phil?" I cry.
"Ariel, come with me." Dr. Gillian says. I get up off the floor and stare at her puzzled. She takes my hand and walks me into her office.
"I'm going to have to put you on more medications. You got out of bed and sleepwalked while having a nightmare."
"Bullshit! Where's Phil! he was crying! He was hurt! He was afraid! He was Confused!"
"Maybe Phil's emotions are yours right now. I mean, in your state you don't know how to react so your brain just makes up things." She says. I wasn't going to listen to her shit. Phil is hurt. Dr.G turns to her computer and starts typing. Here's my chance. I slowly get off of the table and open the door. It creaks, but she doesn't pay attention. I run off to the closet possible place Dan and Phil could be, the canteen.
I see Phil's face in Dan's chest as Phil is- un-conscious?
I jostle people around as I run to Dan.
"Is Phil okay?!" I yelp, stroking Phil's head. "Yeah.." he says. "He just fell asleep."
"Are you sure?! check his pulse."
"Do it! hurry!"
Dan flinches and holds two fingers on Phil's wrist. He pulls them off and says
"He's fine. Now will you tell me what's wrong?!"l
"I heard him crying and screaming, but when I went to get him I couldn't. But my doctor said it was just a nightmare and that maybe him being afraid, hurt and confused where really my emotions."
Dead silence.
"Are you sure they aren't?" he finally says.
"Dan you're just like the rest! I know what's going on here!" I say "You know what?! You all think I'm mental!"
"No! screw you Dan!" I say. I turn around and see two doctors, one of them with their hands behind their back.
"Um-Hi" I wave innocently.
Phil's POV
I finally open my eyes and see .Ariel being shot with a needle.
"Dan? What's happening?" I ask realizing that I wasn't lying on Dan He was standing up watching them blankly.
"Dan! They're taking her away!"
"It's okay." He says "she's not well."
"Why?" I ask, stopping my shiftlessness and running over to him.
"She needs more meds and has had bad nightmares."
"Oh?" I question.
"Yes." He says as Ariel just becomes a dot as she gets farther away from us.
"What dream did she have?"
"You were dying." Dans answers start to get shorter.
"But.. I'm pretty sure I'm alive..." I say, I put my hand on Dan's shoulder, but he just shrugs it away. I stand there motionless but have the urge to turn around. Everyone is staring at us. Shutting my eyes, I hug Dan
"Phil can you stop?!" He turns around.
I shut my eyes again and open them then run with all my might.
What happened while I was asleep?
Did she say something?
Did she do something?
Did I do something?
What happened?
Is Dan okay?
Should I go back?
I don't know anymore.
My thoughts were just voices. I soon looked behind me to realize that I had zoned out because I was in the middle of a street. I looked behind me, but heard a truck coming yet I didn't move. I felt like my feet were glued to the street. I was numb. The truck approached closer, yet I didn't care. Dan yelled at me. It wasn't the first time, but it just really hurt. I felt like I failed him. And that is the worst possible feeling in the world to me. I just want to make everyone happy. Of course it didn't always work but-
"Woah!" A girl said. "I'm glad I caught you... You were inches away from that truck!"
"I'm Emma. Emma Henderson. Where- where you trying to... kill yourself?" Emma said. I noticed her jumpiness instantaneously.
"No, not really." I whispered. "I'm Phil Lester."
"Oh my god! AmazingPhil!"
"Haha yeah." I said nonchalantly. Her spunky ways were actually really cute.
"Can I see your phone?" Emma asked.
"Sure." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her. Emma opened it up and started typing then handed it back.
"I won't come to your flat, I won't text you constantly I won't give out your number or anything. But if you ever need to talk... call me." She said.
"Thanks." I nodded.
"Oh, and one last thing,"
"Can I get a picture with you?"
I giggled and nodded. She snapped the picture and was off.

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