Chapter 15: Alone

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Ariel's POV

I ran into the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach. I was not even close to being used to this. I checked the time to see that it was only 10:18. I wasn't surprised when my phone rang, seeing that it was my little brother. I hadn't mentioned my family in a while yet i had still called them to assure that i was fine. I only didn't tell them about the tiny human developing in my stomach. I wanted to tell them the truth that it was Ashton's. But knowing all of them they would immediately freak out. But if i said that it was Dan's and it didn't turn out to look like him, i was screwed. My phone buzzed on the edge of the sink for the 3rd time before i picked it up and answered.
"Good morning." I said. Lies. It wasn't good whatsoever.
"Hey, Ari!" Dustin's voice cheerfully said at the other end of the line. "So we are throwing a dinner party tonight. I have no idea why, but anyways, they wanted to invite you and 2 guests."
"Oh, okay. I will text you later. Only Phil is awake right now. Dan is still asleep."
"Okey dokey. Talk later."
"Love you!"
"Love you too." He groaned. Then the line went dead. I quickly ran back into Dan's room, remembering that I was only in Dan's doge shirt and underwear. I threw on a bra under the shirt and sweatpants.

Walking into the lounge I saw Phil, whom was still in his cookie monster pj pants.
"Nice pants." I commented. Phil let out a little squeal. I guess he didn't hear me open the door.
"Sorry." I said.
"It's okay." his voice was nearly non-audible.
"Are you okay?"
"Yep." Phil said, his eyes shooting back to his laptop.
I sat on the couch next to him. Phil seemed very anxious.
"So," i said, cutting the silence. "My parents are throwing a dinner party tonight. Want to come?"
"I can't." His voice was still quiet.
"Oh." I felt awful because i knew that he wasn't okay. "Why?"
"I have to meet up with a friend."
"Ohhhh." i say in a school-girl style "is this friend a lady friend?"
"Um." He said
"Are you nervous?" I cut him off
"Pfff. No!"
I glare at Phil.
"Okay i need help."
"Explain to me this 'friend'. "
"I've only met her once. she kind of.. uh.. saved my life."
"Really?!" I was amazed.
"She's very bubbly and beautiful. She is funny and sweet. So, so sweet. My god. She's fucking perfect."
Hearing Phil curse didn't phase me much. "Oh, i see." I reply. "I see."
I toke his arm and we walked into his room, then closet.
"So." I said, "What's her name?" I pulled out his jellyfish shirt. Phil seemed to have struggled remembering this girls name. "Alex." He finally said, shakily.
I nodded. "Wear this."
"Doesn't it seem a bit...different?"
"She won't care." I say, stretching out the e's. "She's different. She will be fine with it. She will maybe even compliment it."
Phil nodded. "What should i wear for the bottom half?"
"Black skinnies and sneakers. it seems plain but it will be okay."
I walked out of the room, letting phil have his privacy to get dressed. It was only about 11 o'clock. I decided to sneak into Dan's room and grab my macbook. I slowly opened the door. I poke my head in, just to make sure that i didn't walk in on a naked Dan. -even though it wouldn't matter- . He was on his phone, like usual. His eyes immediately shot up to me.
"Hello, darling." He said. I could tell that with the tone of his voice that something was wrong like Phil.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I have a cold." He replied. I noted his voice straining.
"What's wrong?"
"Um, my parents were having a dinner party and i could bring two guests. I was going to bring you and Phil, like usual. But Phil has plans and you are sick."
"Oh. Im sorry."
"Eh its okay."
"Why don't you phone Zoe?"
"Good idea." I said. "Do you need anything?"
"A cuddle."
"I cant get sick." I sighed
"You won't." He assured.
"Okay. I will be right back." And with that i was running down that hall, into the bathroom, grabbing my phone, then running back to Dan's room.
I dialed Zoe's number quickly. I hadn't seen her in about a month.
"Hey!" Her sweet tone came across the line.
"Hey, so my parents are having a dinner party tonight, and i can bring two guests. I was wondering if you wanted to come."
"Um. I'm sorry, i have plans with Alfie."
"Yeah.. but maybe you can phone PJ?
"Good idea. Thanks."
"Have fun!" She said before i hung up.
Everyone seemed to give me different ideas.
"What did she say?" Dan's weak voice asked.
"She has plans with Alfie. She did however say to- nevermind." Dan was the jealous type and i didn't want him to think that i would be doing something with PJ. I technically was, but not what Dan would think. Pj was one of my closest friends aside from Phil and Zoe.
"What did she say to do?" He asked.
"She said to just go and have fun with my family." I hated lying to him. I did want to tell the truth but i didn't want to, but i also didn't want him to be phoning me every 20 minutes to see if i was rolling around in PJ's bed.
"Are you sure?" He glared.
It was obvious that i was lying.
"No." i sighed.
"So what did she tell you to do." He was still glaring. That god damn glare!
"To phone PJ."
"Why don't you just marry PJ?"
"Excuse me?"
"You are with him so much! How do i know that you aren't cheating on me?!"
Here we go.
"I don't like PJ like that. I hang around Phil everyday, how do you know that I'm okay with him?"
"Because he's Fucking Gay!" Dan blurted out, quickly covering his mouth.


My jealousy was overwhelming. PJ was -almost- always with Ariel.
"I don't like PJ like that. I hang around phil everyday, how do you know that I'm okay with him?" She shot back.
"Because he's fucking gay!" I screamed. I didn't think. It just came out. I covered my mouth quickly, realizing that i had just yelled, and Phil most likely heard it. Ariel quickly grabbed her macbook and charger then ran out of the room. I sat back down on the bed and cupped my face in my hands.
"I'm such a fucking idiot." I muttered.
"Yeah, you are." I heard a voice say. It wasn't Ariel's however.
"Huh?" I look up. Phil was leaning on the door hinge with his arms crossed.
"You told Ariel that i was gay and didn't expect me to hear you?" He said through gritted teeth.
"I'm sor-"
"Shut up." Phil said "i was going to tell her tonight when she got back from dinner."
I stayed quiet.
"Nothing to say, huh? That's what i thought. What if i just tell her about you getting drunk the one night and cheating on her?"
"Don't you dare." My anger was rising.
"You know, i do have that girl's number. you probably got her pregnant too." He grinned evilly. "Not surprised."
"You fucking dick." I mutter. "It was a bloody mistake!"
Phil laughs then walks out of my room. He seemed like a super villain. I shot up from the bed and ran into the hall.
I heard ariel and phil talking.
"Im so sorry that you had to find out like this." phil says.
"Its okay." Ariel sympathetically said.
"Theres something that i need to tell you though."
"Uh.. okay."
"So, uh.. went Dan and I were at Playlist, Dan got drunk."
"Okay and?" She asked, sounding annoyed.
"He got a girl pregnant." Phil sighs.
"Huh?" Denial..
"Im so sorry."
"No no, its fine." She says. I hear the lounge door slam and Ariel's tiny feet stomp up the steps.
I run to my room and act as i never got up.
"How could you?" She says. Her voice sounded like an off key piano.
"Don't act stupid. I know that you knocked up a girl at playlist." Her eyes became glassy.
"I didn't mean to.. it was a drunken mistake. Im so sorry Ariel."
"Save your breath. I don't want to hear it. I'm actually am surprised that someone will have a little Dan running around and guess what? It isn't me."
"Don't act so innocent!" I snapped "You got pregnant!"
"I was raped." She stutters. "I couldn't have fucking stopped that you asshole!"
With that she runs out of the room.

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