Chapter 16: Dark

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I stood in my room. Dan was a horrible person. Getting another girl pregnant instead of me. My phone rang. It was my mum. I picked it up, preparing to cover up tears.
"Hi." I said.
"Hey Ari, so are you coming tonight?"
"Um, actually, something has come up and i can't."
"Oh, that's too bad."
"Uh huh. Well.. i gotta go." I say.
"Okay. Bye sweetie." She says.
"Bye." I quickly hang up the phone.
I throw my phone against the wall, sinking to the ground.
Phil walks in.
"Hey! Don't do that." he crouched down next to me and moves my hands away form my face.
I quickly brush him off of me.
I open the closet and take down a suit case.
"What are you doing?!" Phil asks.
"Im leaving." I mutter, swinging open the drawers filled with clothes.
"Please stay." He whines.
"No." I sternly say.
Phil stays quiet.
I finish packing my bag.
"Where are you going?"
"Anywhere else but here."
"Pj's?" He asked
"Ill worry about it when i need to."
I slip on my leather jacket and put my phone in the tiny pocket.
"Ill keep in touch." I whisper. I didn't wait for a response and walk out of my bedroom with the suitcase rolling behind me.
I checked my phone after it buzz for about the 27th time this hour.
I'm so sorry !!! I love you and only you!! Please come back.. xoxo -Dan
I scoffed and slipped my phone back into my pocket.
Honestly, i had no idea where the hell i was going. I just walked wherever the crowd was until it thinned out then thickened again.
I soon found myself walking on the cold, dark streets of where ever the fuck i was. I was under thousands of stars. My phone vibrated in my pocket as if i had a call. I looked to see that it wasn't Dan, but PJ.
"Hey" i answered.
"Uh, hi. So i heard that you moved out or something."
"Who told you that?" I was kind of annoyed that someone told him, but it was better then showing up at his flat saying, "Hey! I just found out that my boyfriend knocked up some chick at a club in america! Can i stay with you?" Honestly though, i didn't think that he would have cared. Considering how close we were, i could even show up saying that i need refuge because i killed someone.
"Well do you know why?"
"Y-y-yeah." He stuttered. "um, but i was wondering if you needed a place to stay."
"Actually if you dont mind i do need a place to stay."
"No problemo. When will you be here?"
i checked the nearest sign, realizing that i had no idea where i had been.
"It depends, i dont know where i am, i will find out and call a cab. so let's say an hour?"
"Okay. See you then!" Pj says then hangs up.
I check for the nearest person to see where i am. Out o the corner of my eye, i see a woman.
"Uh, excuse me?" I asked, walking towards her.
"Yes?" She turns around.
"I happen to be lost and don't know where i am, could you tell me?"
She looks down then back up to me, then tells me my location.
After thanking the kind woman I take out my phone and dial a taxi service.
I tell them where i am and where to drop me off at.
"Okay, we will be there in about 5 minutes."
"Thank you." i say and hang up.


The night wasn't eventful, I had to sleep in PJ's bed, which was awkward yet i didn't care. I remember waking up at 4AM and wrapping my arms around him. I didn't care if i seemed like a "slut" for cuddling a guy after leaving my boyfriend. It wasnt romantic even in the slightest. I Needed this and that's all that mattered to me. PJ turned over so he was facing me and held me back.
"Im so sorry that Dan did that." he says. "You didn't deserve it."
"Its okay." I said, shrugging off the topic.
"Do you mind the cuddling?" He asks.
"Not at all." I admitted.
"Good." He chuckled.
Everything was strictly platonic. It was just cuddles and laughing and corny jokes. No kissing or anything more than that.
We didnt sleep that much. We stayed up talking about astronomy. You know, the stars and stuff. We talked about childhood memories -well, it was mostly him talking- I just loved the sound of his voice and his diverse outlook on everything. He was just so mesmerizing. His eyes glistened like a lake on a summer night. Soon enough, the night came to a stop when i fell asleep, my head on his chest and both of his arms wrapped around me.
I missed this feeling of security.


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