Chapter 19: Oh Shit

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A/N: A SPECIAL THANKS TO @erindale22 for favoriting nearly all of my stories' parts!!
Enjoy this chapter, since sadly, it will be the last and I'm sorry that I've skipped a lot!

*about 7 months later*

Dan walked groggily into the lounge where I was sat with Clara on my lap as she was watching Sesame Street.
"Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayons too! That's Elmo's World!" The little red furry monster sang.
"Is that all I'm going to be hearing for the next 3 years?" Dan said, rubbing his eyes restlessly.
He was working on the book and trailer that he could barely get any rest.
"Maybe, maybe not. It could be just a phase for all we know." I said.
"Ooohhh!" Dan said as if he had an idea.
"What is it now?"
"I got something for Clara." he smiled. "Okay, get ready for this." He opened up the door and pulled out a black bag. "Here." Dan pushed the bag towards me.
"Nice choice of black." I say sarcastically.
"Thank you" Dan smiled proudly.
"Go on Clara, open up the present." I encouraged her.
"She can't do that." Dan said.
"Shush! She doesn't know that!" I whisper-yelled.
Clara's little Emerald eyes admired the black glitter.
"You know, I think that she'd really get along great with Darcy." I suggested.
Dan nodded whilst smiling and sat down with me on the couch eagerly waiting for Clara to open the bag.
"Patience." I teased.

I finally helped her open the bag to reveal a little Llama plushy .
"Speaking of phases, you're still the cute, llama loving nerd I met in 2012." I smiled and pecked him on the cheek.
Dan toke the remote then hit the guide button.
Looking at the time, he panicked.
"Oh crap!"
"I need to leave in 5 minutes and Phil isn't even awake!" With that he ran up out of the lounge.

"Whelp Clara, looks like it's just you and me. Again." I said bouncing Clara on my leg. Clara's eyes stayed fixed on the television almost like she was hypnotized.
I swear, these shows are brainwashing.
"So Clara, what do you wanna do? Go into town?"
She turned around and shook her head while smiling. Like father like daughter.
"Okey dokey. But, that means that you have to stop watching Elmo."
Clara, to my surprise, didn't care.
I stood up whilst Clara clanged onto my body.
Walking up the stairs was hard when you are very very very very clumsy and have a 7 month old infant glued to your body.
Clara didn't really like anyone else.
I felt like Matt Smith was going to burst through the door and tell me that Clara prefers to be called a dark lord and calls Dan and Phil "not mom" and everyone else "peasants"
Dan stormed down the stairs and kissed my cheek. "I'll be off!" He yelled, grabbing his keys.
Soon after I heard Phil running down the steps.
"Bye Clara! Bye Ari!"
"Bye Phil!" I called out.
Clara waved her tiny hand.
I smiled back at my daughter.
I placed Clara in the crib as I got dressed.
She lied down and laughed at the squeaky noise that came from the llama toy's foot.
"black or lilac?" I asked Clara, letting her choose her outfit. She smiled as i held the black one forward. "Okay then."
The outfit consisted of a black long sleeved onesie and a white tutu. I kept to an aesthetic tumblr theme for my little princess' clothing.
"It's ironic appreciation" as Dan would say.
Her hair was already long and wavy so I put it in a little white clip.
After getting Clara changed, I slipped into a pair of leggings and combat boots with a twenty one pilots shirt. I also threw on my leather jacket.
"Ready to go?" I said as I picked up Clara.
She nodded. Her blonde hair and green eyes complimented her outfit. Clara was a very good baby. She almost never cried and she didn't fuss and did what she was told.
As I was walking down the steps Clara tugged at my wedding ring.
Yes, it's official, I am a Howell and so is Clara.
She admired the green gem. Dan insisted that it be green to match my -and I quote- "beautiful eyes".
Our wedding song was "vulnerable" by Secondhand Serenade.
Phil was the best man and Zoe was my head bridesmaid. The best men consisted of; PJ Chris Phil and, Dan's brother
My bridesmaids were; Melody Zoe Louise and no one else.
I wasn't exactly the most like-able person so I had no one but those three.
Clara's eyes never left the gem as I put her in her pink stroller.


I was nearing home as it was 7PM.
Clara had fallen asleep quickly after I told her that we were on our way home.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and when I pulled it out I saw that I had a text.
Unknown: Beware, Ariel. I'm coming to get my daughter.
"What the fu-" I said but, my mouth was covered by a rag as my screams were muffled

"Hush hush."


I woke up with a stinging feeling in my cheek.
"wake up you filthy who re!" I heard an unidentifiable voice yell.
The figure saw my eyes flicker open.
"Why the f u c k did you marry that man?!"
"What man?" I whimper.
"Don't you dare play dumb!" I felt his hand grip around my neck.
"Because-because- I- love h-im" I stuttered
"Where's Clara?" I managed to say.
"Oh don't worry. She'll be fine, unlike you."
I feel his grip loosen.
"Why don't you just kill me already?" I ask, glancing over at a table of sharp, metal objects in the dim lighting.
"Because I need to find a gun."
"And why is that?" I was pushing my limits.
"So I can write my name on the bullet so I know that I was the last thing that went through your head."
"Well write your name on the knife so you are the last thing that's driven through my body."
I watched the man smile.
"Why do you want to die so badly?"
"I've been wanting to since I was 8 years old. And as long as my daughter is safe, I'll risk anything."
"Well." He contemplated. "Okay."
I watched him walk over to the table and pick his weapon. He grabbed a marker and wrote something on the knife.
"Is this good enough?" He said, holding up the knife.
It read "Ashton" of course.
"Say night night." Ashton said in a soft tone before slowly inserting the knife in my chest.
"Night night."

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