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Natasha's POV

Rain pounded on the roof and I decided then to not get out of bed. I didn't think we had to do anything. Right?

That's when I remembered. Last night. I had poured my guts out in front of all of them. My Dad had...

I started sobbing. I stood up and fell. My left leg hurt. I had put too much weight on it last night. I crawled to my closet still sobbing and found the bag with the bouncy ball.

I ripped the bouncy ball open with my finger nails and found the thumb drive. I crawled back out of my closet and lifted up one leg of my bed. With my right hand I placed the thumb drive under the leg and dropped the bed. It dented the outside of it. My bed wasn't very heavy.

I grabbed my water bottle and opened it. I submerged the thumb drive in it and closed the water bottle leaving the thumb drive in it.

I shoved the purse in the back of the closet again and curled up in a pile of sweatshirts.

I closed my eyes and continued sobbing.


"Natasha!? Natasha isn't-Mom! Natasha isn't in here!" I heard a voice shout.

Slowly I got up and crawled out of the closet.

"I'm here." I mumbled.

Tyler sighed with relief.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked him sitting against my closet wall.

"Mom sent me to get you to go to church. Unless you don't want to. Mom told me to give you a choice." Tyler said.

Church. Ugh. Dad had told me to not blame God. But Dad had said God was the one taking him home. God had taken my Dad.

"Fine. I'll come. Now get out so I can change." I said.

I hadn't changed since Friday morning.

Tyler nodded and left the room as I went back into my closet and found a pair of ripped skinny jeans, A white t-shirt and a black hoodie.

I took my clothes and toiletries to the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth, put a little makeup on so it would look like I got sleep and like I hadn't been crying.

Then I left the bathroom, went to my room and grabbed my converse, put it on and grabbed my crutches, hobbling downstairs.

I plastered a fake smile to my face and sat down at the island.

"What time is church?" I asked.

"Good morning, church is at ten forty-five. How are you doing?" Bekka asked walking around the island and hugging me.

"Fine. What time is it?" I asked.

"Ten thirty. Listen, Natasha. Luke told me and your Dad about last night. We want to help but you have to be honest." Bekka said.

"I am really fine." I replied.

"Luke told us that F.I.N.E. is and acronym." Bekka said.

"Alright, I am doing well today." I said.

"Honey-" Bekka started.

"Mom, I'm okay. Lets just go to church." I said getting up and hobbling towards the door as my brothers came upstairs and my Dad came down.

They followed me and I rode in the back of Mom's car.

We arrived and I got out hobbling towards the entrance. Will walked along side me. The girls, Nick and Brett were all there. Will waved and I waved so that I seemed normal.

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