Chapter 48

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"Yes, Yes, of course." The baron smiled indulgently at the two ladies, "But I wonder, child, why did you wait so long to return to me? Did you fear that you would not be welcome? That I might turn you away? You must know that I swore an oath to Lord Erec..."

"It was not at all like that, milord. After the...grave...John—Sir John" Gwyn amended with a smile, "Well, he thought it would be best if we disappeared for a little while. He feared the men might seek further to harm Lord Erec's family. We have been hiding, living simply as ordinary peasants from that time to this. Sir John at last deemed it safe and brought us at once to you."

"It is well. You shall continue as her champion, then." The baron nodded toward John who stood a few steps behind Gwyn. "I shall see that you have the room directly across from her and the children so that you may always be near to them."

"That would please me very much." Gwyn smiled.

With that, the Lady Alexandi led her away and the children followed. Gwyn was very proud of them. Despite their happiness to be back and their wish to go to their rooms and see all of their treasures again, they held hands and stood quietly in front of John.

It probably helped that he held a reminding hand gently upon each of their shoulders...


The children settled back into their old life, carefree and happy as they played among the halls of the castle. Gwyn resumed her healing practice with the notable exception that John stood watch inside the door of the healer's rooms and followed a few steps behind wherever Gwyn went.

As Gwyn had hoped, her arrival at the Hall was enough to set the people to talking of Erec again. The whispers reached Matilde and she shared them with Gwyn. The Lady Gwyn was so very brave to carry on after her beloved was taken from her so soon. The Lady Gwyn was a saint for turning her hands to the care of others when her heart must surely mourn...

But her favorite was that bets were being taken of whether or not there would be a wee bairn soon. And of course, the bairn could not be Lord Erec's as he had been dead far too long and so surely it must be Sir John's since the man was never more that a few steps from Lady Gwyn's side. That set off a new round of bets as to when the wedding would be.

Gwyn shook her head as Sofi entered with a basket. She brought the clean bandages in from the line and sighed as she set the basket down. Sofi looked longingly at the sunshine pouring in through the open door and sighed again as she reached for a bandage and began to roll it.

"Go on then." Gwyn smiled. "John can help me with this."

Sofi blinked up at her.

"Off with you, before I change my mind." Gwyn chuckled at the speed with which the child vacated the room.

"I guess I am to help roll bandages." John smiled as he stood from his chair by the door.

"No. I should be done before very long. I did not wish Sofi to feel badly for leaving. She has a very tender heart."

"I heard her crying last night." John said as he looked out the doorway at Sofi playing with one of the Castle dogs. "She heard some of the children talking about how her pa was kilt and she worried he was really dead."

"Oh, the poor child. I wonder that I did not hear her. I—"

"Worry not. I heard her and was at her side almost at once. She curled up on my lap and told me the whole story. I promised her that they were mistaken, that Lord Erec would soon return and then she could see for herself."

"Do you think that wise? To say that he would return?"

John smiled.

"Out of the mouth of babes. Her unshakable faith that her father will return will be known to everyone within the Hall all the faster for the children talking. And then when he does return..."

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