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A Brother's Deception. Chapter 3, Perceptions.

As Caleb presses line two, he also presses the speaker button..

" Good afternoon, Mr Williams. It's good to hear from you. " Caleb states through a fake tone,

" Good afternoon, Caleb. I'm calling to inform you of my decision. " Dakota's eyes widen, though she remained silent,

" What is your decision, sir. Rylen is here with me. " Caleb tried to remain stoic, though he's feeling irritated. Rylen speaks up,

" We're here to assist in any way possible, sir. " Daren clears his throat,

" it was a difficult decision. Both offers were excellent. I decided to go with the other firm. But there is something I need to talk to you, Caleb. " Now Caleb's eyes got wide,

" What would that be Mr. Williams? " Caleb closed his eyes & cleared his throat,

" I know you care for Dakota. While I'll be working with your brother, the firm believes it is a conflict of interest for you to continue a relationship with Dakota. I need to make sure you end the relationship. " Now Caleb clears his throat again,

" Why would it be a conflict? She's your daughter, not your employee. "

" There may be times your brother may be at functions that Dakota will be. She might hear something & you'll get Intel by proxy. " A low growl comes from Caleb,.

" For one sir, I don't spy on the firm my brother works at. Unlike how you got your hands on the Moss file. Though the information you got was incomplete. I told Dakota that she was free to come & review the file if she chose to. I extend the invitation to you as well. As of the relationship with Dakota, that's between us. "

" If she doesn't end the relationship, you need to. It'll save you both a lot of heartache in the long run. Tell her that you're wrong for each other, that you never really loved her. Tell her something like that. Make it a clean break"
Daren says sternly, while the whole room was stunned in what they were hearing Silent tears streamed down Dakota's face.

" Sir, thank you for considering our proposal. Have a good day. "
Caleb states coldly, while hanging up quickly. A tear slips down his cheek, as he remembers the struggle Dakota was having during the weekend. His heart broke for her.

" My sweet Dakota, is this what you've been struggling with since the call with your dad during the weekend? " Dakota nods adding,

" Plus I saw your brother before I came here. He was talking in the same manner as my father. They're having a celebration this weekend, & they want me there. " Caleb paces the floor for a few minutes,

" Guys, I have an idea! " Dusty speaks up,

" What are you thinking? " Caleb snaps his head towards Dusty,
" Make them think you're done publically, by having her go with a date to this event. " Caleb does an eye roll, then gives the idea a more a serious thought.

" Continue. Because I want to hire you to look into my brother to see what he is doing Re: Dakota's father. For some reason they're trying to manipulate. Her. "

" Let me take her to the event to see how they react. " Caleb looks at Dakota,

" How do you feel about this.? " Dakota let's out a breath she had no idea she was holding,

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