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A Brother’s Deception.                             Chapter 20, Microscope.                           Warning: Slightly NSFW    

“Your father is deeply concerned about Caleb being in your life. He hired us to investigate him.” A very hollow laugh came from Dakota,

“Really?  The two years while we were dating he didn’t seem to care. Until you had him accept your deal against Caleb. So what’s the real deal here?”
                                                                      Caleb clears his throat in Dakota’s ear,

“That’s right love! We all would like to know.” Rylen and Dusty look at each other as Caleb speaks,

“That’s for sure! I believe Dakota is strong enough to get information for us.” Dusty states as Caleb nods,

“Yes my Kota is a very strong lady.” Not guys nod as they listen in on Carson’s response,

“His practice is shady. He needs to be brought down.” Dakota tries hard to hide being shocked,

“Brought down how? Carson,  he’s your brother, why aren’t you trying to help him if he’s in the wrong.” Carson scoffs, as Caleb leans in to hear better.

“Why do you even care?! He threw you away by getting another woman pregnant.” Dakota starts to see red, as she glares at Carson.

“We need to agree to disagree! About this information, Jacob and I will investigate on our own before we present to the Board of our findings.” Carson sneers as he nods,

“That’s good Please do what’s right Dakota.” Dakota cocks her head to the side, as Jacob speaks up.

“Caleb’s personal life… if he got someone pregnant while he was with Dakota, isn’t the Children’s Home concern… Now this…” Jacob holds up the file,

“May be our concern. Like Dakota said, it will be a through investigation. We will be hiring our own investigator ,before we present to the Board members. Now Dakota and I have some things to discuss. Thank you for informing us of these misdeeds. Mia please escort these gentlemen.” Before exiting the office, Jax turns to Dakota.

“Dakota honey, this is in the best interest for the Children’s Home and you. Caleb is very bad news.” Dakota closes her eyes for a moment,

“So Carson, what are your intentions with Caleb? I’m asking out of curiosity. Other than here, Caleb seems to move on. It doesn’t really bother me as little as I see  him here.” Caleb quietly chuckles as he continues to listen, as Carson’s laughter becomes very intense.

“Caleb  doesn’t deserve to have what he has. It’s time for him to learn a lesson.” Jax shakes his head,

“I’ll be here for you, Dakota.” Dakota rolls her eyes at his words,

“Good day gentleman! Good Bye!” Carson and Jax walked out of the office with Mia, who looks behind her. A few minutes later Mia texts Dakota,

Mia: Dakota, the men have just left.

Dakota: Thank you.

Mia: Jax says he’ll be back after lunch.

Dakota: Oh Brother.  Thanks.

Dakota sets her phone down looking over at Jacob exhaling,

“That was very intense!” Jacob nods with a serious expression,

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