Country Club

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A Brother's Deception. Chapter 4, Country Club.
"Shsh...They're talking to Carson, Heather & someone else." Rylen whispers,

****Royal Oaks Country Club****

As the three approached Dusty & Dakota, Dakota moves closer to Dusty. Where she's almost behind him raging with anger.

"You alright?" Dusty whispers to her curiously,

"Sure, if I can claw his eyes out alright." Dusty chuckles as Carson walks up, In his office Caleb let's out a soft chuckle, that's my girl.

"Well, hello Dakota. It's good to see you again." Dakota rolls her eyes, as Dusty extends his hand,

"Hello, I'm Dusty, her date and friend." Carson smiles as he shakes Dusty's hand,

"Hello, I'm Carson. This is my girlfriend Heather Andrews, and her brother Jax. It's good to see Dakota move on from my brother Caleb"
Dakota rolls her eyes, not knowing that Caleb was rolling his eyes as well. Boy, big brother is being egotistic today.

"Why is that a good thing?" Dusty inquires with peak curiosity,

"Walk with me Dusty and I will explain it to you."
Dusty gives Dakota an encouraging look as he walks away with Carson and Heather. Dakota closes her eyes for a moment to refocus at the task at hand.

" Well, she deserves so much better than my brother Caleb. I'm sure you're nice and all. But Heather's brother Jax would be good to know and date." Dakota couldn't believe what she was hearing,

"Hello, Dakota, I'm Jax Andrews." Jax shakes Dakota's hand, and she gives him a small smile.

"Hello Jax." Carson shakes his head, while Caleb seethes with rage and jealousy. Rylen squeezes his shoulder.

"Stay on task, Caleb. Do you trust her?" Caleb nods his head sadly,
"I don't like the idea of this Jax pursuing her." Rylen clears his throat,

"Remember everything will be talked about. Plus you'll see her on the weekends. If we get cameras, then you'll have a better picture how to proceed. Let's continue listening."

"Dakota, why don't you take a few minutes and get to know Jax, while Heather and I get to know your date Dusty here."
Dakota glares at Carson, as they lead Dusty a short distance away.

"I'm sorry that your sister is pushing you towards me. Yes Dusty's my date. They shouldn't dictate who you talk to." Jax laughs,

"No, they didn't push me. After they knew you broke up with Caleb. They showed me your picture, and started talking to me about you. I knew I wanted to get to know you. So here I am." Dakota nods wondering what would be coming next,

"That's sweet. But as you can see I'm with Dusty." Dakota implements trying to discourage Jax,

"How serious are you with Dusty?"
"I just separated from Caleb. There hasn't been time to get serious with him or anyone."
Dakota states firmly, but matter of a fact causing Jax to laugh.
But Caleb to put his hand on his head with a loud groan.

"Let me get to know you better, you might end up being pleasantly surprised."
Dakota couldn't believe what she was hearing, this guy doesn't get a clue! Caleb looks at Rylen shaking his head,

"Don't worry, Caleb! You can trust her. You'll see her shortly." Caleb nods giving Rylen a small smile,
"I know. Just don't the motives behind this guy & Carson. Rylen squeezes his shoulder as they listen further.

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