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A Brother's Deception. Chapter 13, Vacation.
As the private jet ascended into air, Caleb, Dakota, Dusty, and Hopes stretched and unbuckled their seat belts,

"Relax and enjoy the trip is a long one." The pilot announces, Dakota looks at Caleb snuggling close to him.

"How far is it to Zurich?" Dakota asks with much excitement,

"It's a little over 5,000 miles away, nearly 11 hours in time." Dakota chuckles as she swats Caleb's arm affectionately,

""Is that's why you kept me up most of the night, so I'd sleep most of the flight?" Caleb gives Dakota miscevious grin,

"Well, did it work, Kota?" Dakota smiles,

"Well, Caleb, you can say I'm tired." Caleb stands up extending a hand towards Dakota,

"Come my Love.." Dakota stands up taking Caleb's hand, as he leads her to the back of the jet. As he open the door, surprising Dakota seeing a beautiful ornate Queen size bed.

"Here you go, Kota. Rest and relax." Dakota sits down on the bed, where rubbing her feet, Caleb did after he removed her shoes.

"Caleb that really feels good. Please don't stop. Will you join me?" Caleb continues to rub her feet,

"My sweet Love, I will but I have a little work to do first, then I will join you I promise." A yawn escapes from Dakota,

"Please do, I do need to sleep now." Caleb smiles as he kisses her, then covers her gently with a blanket.

"I'll be back shortly. I love you." Caleb leans in kissing her tenderly on the lips, as Dakota's eyes flutter close.

Caleb closes the bedroom door quietly, As he passes Dusty, he taps him on the shoulder. Dusty nods as he follows Caleb towards the front of the jet.

"With the ladies asleep, this is a good time for us to talk." Dusty nods in response,

"Have a seat Dusty. Do you feel comfortable to tell me more about your encounter with Carson?" Dusty rubs the back of his neck before responding,

"Your my friend Caleb. I was hired by you first any way. How they treated you and Dakota is uncalled for. I don't have a problem doing this." Caleb gives Dusty a small smile,

"OK, start from the beginning." Dusty nods, starting the story at the beginning of the meeting.


Dusty enters into Carson's office as Anna closes the door,

"Hello Carson..." Dusty's voice trails off seeing Daren and Jax,

"They're interested in what happens here. Do you have a problem with that?" Dusty shakes his head,

"No it doesn't. Just surprised that's all." Carson smiles,

"Well, Dusty what do you have for us?" Dusty hands a vanilla folder to Carson,

"Caleb is pretty tight on all cases, yet I was able to find a couple of where he paid some witnesses off in order to win cases." Jax smiles,

"So what does that mean?" Dusty looks at Jax,

"Possible fraud?" Carson smiles widen,

"Not only he could face jail time, but could be disbarred." Jax gets thoughtful moments,

"Will this get Caleb off on the Board of Directors at the Children's Home?" Carson starts laughing,

"I will use this over his head to get him to do what I want." Daren clears his throat,

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