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A Brother's Deception. Chapter 18, Enlightenment. *****
When Dakota walks into the Coffee Shop, she also sees Dusty and Hope with food and coffee. Dakota gives them a small smile with a nod. Then Dakota spots the back side a short distance, and walks up to Jax. Dakota takes a deep breath as she puts her hand on Jax's shoulder.

"Hello Jax, I'm here." Jax smiles as he stands up pulling out Dakota's chair. Dakota sits down, while the waitress came up to take their order. She bats her eyes at jax, who unknowing flirted back.

"What can I get for you?' The waitress asks while flirting with Jax, who chuckles.

"I'll take an expresso and a Chocolate cronut." The waitress starts to turn when Dakota clears her throat,

"Lady, I would like a latte and a cronut." Jax smiles as he dismisses the waitress,

"Please add her order as well." Caleb gives out a chuckle,

"That's my girl! Stall!" The waitress walks away, Jax turns to Dakota smiling.

"Thanks for joining me. I've been looking forward to this time." Dakota nervously nods as she twists her wedding rings on her finger under the table,

Hope notices and texts Caleb,
Hope: Jax and Dakota are together, and she's very nervous! I'm very concerned about her.

Caleb: Keep a close eye on her.
Then Caleb whispers into Dakota's ear.

"Relax my Love, I'm still with you!"
Dakota took a couple of deep breaths,
"Well I appreciate what you and Jacob did for the Children's Home. It will benefit the children in many ways."
The flirty waitress comes with their coffees and cronuts,

"These smell so good! I haven't had one of these in awhile!" Dakota exclaims as she takes a bite of her cronut, while Jax smiles as he breaks one of his cronuts.

"Yes, they do. There's so much I want to show you, if you'll let me." Dakota arches her brow as she takes another bite of her cronut,

"What do you mean?" Dakota asks a little confused,

"With Caleb married to that Hope Lady, I know you might be hurting, I just wanted you to know I'm here for you. I wouldn't hurt you like that. I would treat you like a Queen that you are." Jax exclaims as Dakota takes a drink of her latte before responding,

"I realize that. Caleb did the right by marrying her because of the baby. I respect him for that, even if it breaks my heart." Dakota hears Caleb snickering in her ear, it takes everything in her to not smile.

"Oh my poor little achy heart!" Caleb sang into Dakota's ear.. It took everything in Dakota not to giggle,

"I would never hurt you like that! Trust me, I have your best interest at heart." Dakota gulps before responding,

"That's sweet. But I'm not interested in a serious relationship, I've been dating Dusty since the break up." Jax chuckles at her words,

"What's so funny??" Dakota demands in a low tone,

"I told Dusty that he would have some competition, that I would be fighting for you." Dakota lets out a loud gasp,

"I'm not surprised. But I have a question for you, but I demand an honest answer." Caleb looks at Rylen,

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