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A Brother’s Deception.                                                                                                                                                               Chapter 10, Unexpected. 

Faintly Dakota could hear voices slowly becoming clearer.

“Dakota, Come back to me. I love you.”
                                                                  Slowly Dakota eyes flutter open, where she sees Hope concerned expression. She also hears Dusty’s voice in the background, Dakota lets out a soft moan as she lowers her eyes, She sees the most  handsome concerned face on Hope’s phone screen,

“Kota, sweetheart! Look at me!” Hope hands Dakota some water that she sips before she responds,

“Caleb.. Please.. I’m okay.. “ Dakota stutters weakly,

“Sweetheart, what happened? Do I need to come there?” Caleb states with urgency as Dakota takes a breath,

“Caleb, I answered my phone. No, there’s no need for you to come, since I will see you tonight.” Though he was concerned, Caleb felt confused.

“Alright. Was it Jax?” A soft giggle came from Dakota,

“No, Jax has been at the children’s home volunteering. It was.. My mother! Oh,  no I passed out while she was on the phone.” Now Caleb started to chuckle,

“Love, it’s okay. Dusty’s talking to her. Until we were able to get you to wake up.” Dusty comes over to Dakota, handing her back her phone.

“Hey, Dakota, your mother’s still on the phone. Are you feeling able to speak to her?” Dakota nods,

“Yes, please.” Dakota seats up straighter on the couch she had been laying on taking the phone Dusty,

“Caleb, I’m going to talk to my mother. I’ll be talking to you soon.” Caleb smiles.

“Have a good conversation with her.” Dakota chuckles as she clears her throat,

“Hello mother, how are you? Where are you? It’s been so long since I heard from you?” There was silence on the line for a few moments,

“Dakota, are you alright?” Dakota softly smiles,

“Yes, mother. I fainted I guess I was shocked to hear from you. Because it had been so long.” Her mother Demi cleared her throat,

“Dakota, I’m not away on vacation like your father told you. I’m in a rehab center.” Though Dakota felt shocked, she put her phone on speaker.

“Mother,  I’m putting the phone on speaker. My friend Dusty who is a P. I., and his girlfriend Hope are here to help you. Why are you in a rehab center?” Dakota heard a stifled sob on the line,

“I hit someone while I was drinking and driving. The person was hurt real bad, and almost died. Your father and Anderson, Walters & Morgan law firm sent me here to avoid a scandal.”
                                                                   Dakota rolled her eyes looking over at Dusty who puts his finger to his lips,

“Mother, how can I help?” Dakota closes her eyes for a moment,

“Dakota,  I have been here for three months. The doctor told me what the lawyer Carson said is that I have to be here for another 33 months.  Dakota, that’s three years. What can I do?”

“What do you need from me?” Dakota thought for a moment before responding,

“Mother, would you be open to talking to another attorney? He can try to see what he can do to help. Dusty can assist to see the best way to help you. Where are you.”

“I’m at Clinic Les Alps Luxury Rehabilitation Center in Zurich.” Demi says softly,

“Thanks mother. Can you call me back in a few days,  I should have some idea of how we can help you.”

“Thank you Dakota. Please don’t tell your Father. I’m not talking to him these days.  I feel he was trying to get rid of me. “ Dakota had to chuckle,

“No problem mother. I’m not too happy with father right now for my own reasons.” The ladies hang up, and Dakota looks up at Dusty.

“Hey Dusty, I know you’re going to be working with Carson. But is there anyway I could hire you to research my mother’s case. I hope I can get Caleb to represent her.” Dusty nods thoughtfully,

“Sure I believe it’s all connected. Don’t worry about the fee until the two of us have a discussion with Caleb. I believe you should go see her. As of Carson,
my associate James Daniels will be doing the leg work finding only what Caleb and I allow him to find.:” Dakota nods,

“Thanks Dusty. Please tell Caleb everything. So I know how to help my mother.” Dusty nods,

“I will need to go.  I will see you ladies later this evening.” Dusty gently kisses Hope on the lips and leaves the office.
                                                                    Dakota and Hope throw the trash from lunch away, focusing on the mailing fundraising detail in front of them. Shortly after Hope left there was a knock on the door

“Come in.” Jax walks in,

“Hello Mr. Andrews, how are you? How can I help you?” Dakota asks politely as she turns her bug on in her bracelet,

“Hello, Dakota, I’m good. I’m enjoying my time with the children. But I’ve been trying to make the time to ask you out.” Dakota shakes her head knowing what’s about to come,

“That’s sweet. What Brought this on for you?” Jax smiles as he comes close touching Dakota’s cheek,

“Please let me take you out for dinner?” Dakota gives him a sad look, while Caleb let’s a low growl as Dusty looks at him.

“What about coffee? I have dinner plans at 6:00pm with Dusty and friends. It’s nearly 4:00pm now. Would that be alright?” Jax nods with a smile,

“How about Friction Coffee Shop?” Jax suggests with a smile,

“It’s not too far from here.” Dakota nods,

“That would be nice. I’ll follow you in my car, so I can leave when it’s time to get to my dinner plans.  I’ll be out in a few minutes,  I need to close up in here.” Jax flashes a smile at her as he turns to leave,

“I’ll be waiting outside for you.” Jax states waving as he walks out of the office, after he leaves. Dakota takes out her second phone dialing Caleb,

“Hello Kota, are you alright?” Dakota chuckles nervously,

“Yeah, I finally got cornered by Jax.” Now Caleb signs,

“I know, I heard him talking to you. What did he want? I couldn’t hear everything.” Dakota swallowed thickly before responding,

“He asked me to go to dinner.” Caleb was quiet for a few moments,

“Sweetheart, what did you tell him?”  Caleb asks sounding annoyed causing Dakota to shiver,

“Told him no because I had dinner plans with Dusty and Friends.” Caleb lets out a breath out he didn’t realize he was holding,


“Caleb, I suggested Friction Coffee House that’s a few minutes from here. What do we need from this encounter?” Caleb thought for a minute ,

“See where the conversation goes. Turn on the camera bug on, and put the ear piece in so if I need to speak to you. Dusty’s here.  I love you.”

“I love you too!” Dakota turned the camera bug on and put the ear piece in.

“Caleb, can you see and hear me?” Caleb chuckles softly,

“Yes, my love… loud and clear. I can see your office.” Dakota chuckles as she leaves the office, following Jax to the Friction Coffee Shop. When they step into the coffee shop.

“Dakota will you please find us a seat. Dakota nods as she walks towards the seating, she hears Caleb’s voice in her ear.

“Sweetheart, do you see Hope there in the coffee shop? If you do please scratch your nose. Don’t worry I will know.” Dakota scratches her nose when she sees Hope, smiling and waving at her.

“Good my love, shortly before you leave Hope will come up to you. She’ll talk about her pregnancy, please just go with it. You’ll bring her to Dusty’s, please signal Hope that you’ve heard me. This is all part of the plan Dusty and I came up with. Please sit where Hope can keep an eye on you.” Dakota sits in view of Hope.

A few minutes later, Jax shows up by her side with a Double Expresso, Hot Chocolate, along with two blueberry muffins.

“Dakota, I hope blueberry muffins will hold you over until your dinner plans.” Dakota gives Jax a nervous smile,

“Thank you, did you enjoy your time with the children.” Jax’s smiles as he takes a bite of his muffin,

“Yes, I did, I was hoping to do work with you.” A slight blush came over Dakota’s cheek,

“That’s sweet of you. Please remember when I’m there, I’m focus on the children and running the home. I know you’re interested in me, I don’t need the distraction. “ Caleb had to chuckle at hearing this,

What is it Caleb?” Dusty asks,

That’s my girl, she called his bluff!  I’m so proud of her!” Jax shakes his empathically,

“I volunteer with the children, I enjoy it. But Dakota,  I’m in finance, I could help the children’s home in that way if I could assist if you’ll let me.” Dakota thinks for a few moments,

“What are you thinking Jax?” Jax gives Dakota a small smile,

“If I was allowed to look at the books, I could see ways to help you use all of your finances and funding more efficiently for running the home.”
                                                                     Caleb raises his brow as he looks at Dusty,

Whoa! He’s really smooth! If he wasn’t after my lady, I think I may actually believe him!” Dusty chuckles,

Let her know!” Caleb nods as he speaks into the mic that’s connected to Dakota’s ear piece,

Sweetheart, please be careful. Tell him you’ll think about it.” Dakota smiles scratching her nose,

“That’s really thoughtful Jax.  But I do want to think about it. If I agree to let you look at the books, you’ll need to present what you will do to the Board of Directors. Then they will vote to see if it can be used. Plus I need to see if I can allow you to. I’ll need to speak to the Board in a couple of weeks.” Jax smiles as he takes a sip of his coffee..

Way to go Dakota! She’s full of surprises of a lifetime! He’ll bite or run.” Caleb states as Dusty laughs,

Dusty, could you get me some information on Jax Anderson. I need to protect Dakota.” Dusty nods as they continue to listen in
“Boy, Dakota, you drive a hard bargain, let me know.” Dakota nods as she sees Hope approaching, she takes a drink of her Hot Chocolate.

“Hello Hope, how are you?’ Dakota says with a smile,

“I’m good.  I have some news.” Dakota looks concerned,

“Are you alright?” Hope gives her a small smile,

“Dakota,  do you remember a few months back when you and Caleb had issues, and he and I hooked up a couple of times?” Dakota nods while keeping a stoic expression,

“Yes, the three of us worked through it. The reason I’m not with him is different and has nothing to do with you.” Hope nods at hearing this,

“After you two broke up recently, we started to spend time together to see if we are compatible.” Dakota looks at Hope confused,

“That’s different, but what is the big deal?” Hope closes her eyes for a minute,

“I found out that Caleb and I are expecting a baby,” Dakota looks stunned, while Jax’s jaw drops.
                                                                     Caleb and Dusty cheer and laugh,
“Awesome! Great play ladies!”

“You’re having a baby? Dakota, I really feel for you.” Dakota smiles looking at Hope,

“I’m happy for you Hope.”  Dakota stands up,

“I need to go to help Hope get home and get to my dinner plans.” Jax stands up grabbing Dakota’s arm,

“Dakota, please be careful. Take her home. Please don’t get mixed up in her mess with Caleb. No matter how you may still feel about him.” Dakota looks at him,

“I’m ok Jax. Thank you for this time here. Bye.” Hope and Dakota walked out to Dakota’s car. After getting into the car Dakota noticed that Jax stayed behind in the coffee shop.

“Wow, I had no idea that this course of action would be intense.” Dakota and Hope look at each other and start giggling,

“This was the guys plan all a long. Dusty gave me something to put in my pocket. Told me to stand close to Jax’s side of the table. He said this device could clone his phone.” Dakota couldn’t believe what she was hearing,

“Dinner is going to be interesting tonight. I’m excited to hear what Caleb is thinking.” Hope giggles,

“I have no doubt it will be. Let’s get there, I’m ready to see my man!”

****Friction Coffee Shop****

Inside the coffee shop Jax picks up and dials his phone, “Hello Jax, what’s up?”

“Hello Carson! I just had coffee with Dakota. Her friend Hope stopped by her table. The girl that Caleb brought to the children’s home fundraiser.”

“Any good news?” Carson asks curiously,

“I may get to work with Dakota and the financial children’s home books to work with her.”

“interesting. Anything else to report?”

“Her friend Hope told us that Caleb got her pregnant.” There was silence on the line,

“Carson, are you there?” Jax hears Carson clear his throat,

“What? What did you say?”……


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