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A Brother’s Deception.                            Chapter 22, Exposure.  

As Dakota was waiting to hear from Caleb to pick her up, her phone chimed with a text. Dakota rolls her eyes when she sees that the text was from her father. She usually tries to avoid dealing with him as much as possible. She opens the text after she exhales a breath…

Daren: What have you been up to?
Dakota: Not much, work and spent time with friends.

Daren: Baby girl, explain this please. {Sends picture}

Dakota:{rolls eyes} What about it?

Daren: You don’t need to be around Caleb.

Dakota:{Growls} Caleb and Dusty are friends. He and Hope showed up after Dusty and I were there.

Daren: Alright. Just try and stay away from him. Please don’t trust him or touch him. He’s not good for you.
Dakota:{Chuckles} Why? You didn’t have a problem with him for two years.

Daren: Learned some things about him. You should get to know Jax Anderson.

Dakota: No thanks father. Good bye.

*****Morgan & Thompson Law Firm****

As Caleb walks out of his private office looking at Bella, as Robin was leaving for the day.

“Bella,  please take messages, I’m going to be out of the office.  I’ll be back in the morning.” Bella couldn’t help the evil grin slip on her face, I know where and with who you were with. Touching Dakota, while married to Hope. Shame on you! Bella’s thoughts rushed with Judgement towards Caleb. She continues to smile as she asks her question,

“I’ll see you in the morning. Anymore instructions?” Caleb smiles at Bella while he puts his coat on,

“No, Robin got everything done. Please just answer the phone. Thank you,  if it gets too dead go on home. Just leave on the cameras.” Bella smiles as she answers the ringing phone, while watching Caleb walk away.

“Have a good evening Mr. Morgan. Good afternoon Morgan & Thompson Law Firm. How may I help you?”
                                                                      Caleb smiles as he hears her answer on the phone. He pulls his phone to place a call,

“Hello my Love. Are you ready for me to pick you up?” Caleb arches his brow at her silence on the line,

“Caleb, maybe I should go to the airport alone.” Caleb climbs into his Audi R8, hear emotions in Dakota’s voice.

“Kota,  please wait and let me take you to the airport. What has you in a uproar?” Dakota clears her throat fighting back an angry sob,

“Had a text conversation with father. Someone sent him a picture of the four of us at Studio Movie Grill. He’s upset.” Caleb shakes his head as he drives, he speaks soothingly to Dakota,

“Daring, he’s only going to get worked more up when he finds out we’re married.  Please try not to worry, I’m almost there. Show me the texts when I get there.” Dakota lets out a shaky breath as she speaks,

“That sounds good, thanks. I’m so excited to see my mother, and having her close to me.” Caleb laughs heartily,

“Can you imagine what Daren will do when he hears Demi’s back?” Now Dakota couldn’t help but laugh,
“Caleb, ha ha! He’ll blow a huge gasket!” After a good laugh Caleb replies,

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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