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I had been a mermaid for three months and yet it felt like I had been one my whole life. I don't know about my friend Chel, who had been turned into a mermaid the same time as me and never left my side since that day, but I imagine she would say the same. But I knew none of us would stand a chance against my friend Ariel who was born a mermaid and lived as one for her first sixteen years before she lived as a human for the rest of her life except for the time when she went to find her daughter Melody when she went missing.

Since we became mermaids, Chel and I had been searching for more clues to find out how to defeat Miguel's god family and how to save him and the rest of our families and friends and the whole world from them. But all we could find were some bottles of white stuff. We couldn't find any weapons, artefacts or information of any kind. Just these bottles of white stuff. We both hoped that there was a reason for finding and keeping these white bottles even if it wasn't about stopping Miguel's god family, but that was all we could do: hope. We couldn't do anything more than that.

As for food, all we could find was crates of full of half-eaten food that were either floating on the surface or sunk at the seabed, but we both agreed that we had to find whatever food we could and eat it whenever we could and always be grateful for it because food was always scarce in the sea. As for shelters for night, we never ran out of caves or sunken ships to sleep, but we always checked that wherever we slept we weren't disturbing or trespassing in anyone's home, whether they be fish, mermaid or any other sea creature, even a sea monster.

Today, after sleeping in a sunken ship and having breakfast, which was a chest containing a few apples, pears and pieces of chocolate (even though sea chocolate didn't taste a lot like chocolate), Chel and I were swimming to find what we could like we had been doing for the last three months. I noticed something shiny at the bottom of the seabed. Well, part of it was shining because most of it was covered up in sand surrounded by some rocky walls.

"What do you think, Chel?" I asked when I pointed her to it. "I'm asking you because you're a better expert of working out traps and fake stuff than me."

Chel studied it. "I think it's worth checking out, Anna. But we must be very careful. Come on."

We swam down closer towards this shiny thing. I hoped it would be something useful than just another white bottle. The further she swam down to this shiny thing, I checked along the rocky walls that surrounded us by to see if there were any traps or anything like that hiding in them, but I couldn't. I tried to look and hear if any sea creatures, no matter how big or small or how cute or scary they were, were hiding in those walls or behind them, but I couldn't.

Then Chel held her hand in front of me to stop me. She approached closer to the shiny thing. She started to slowly shake the wet sand off the shiny thing, but nothing happened. She continued to uncover the wet sand of the shiny thing. While she was doing her job, I kept my eyes out for anything suspicious.

"This is the shiny thing, Anna."

What Chel showed me was a shiny golden... candlestick. Though we didn't believe a candlestick could be of use to any god especially it didn't have a divine candle in it, we checked if there were any markings or symbols or writing of any language on it in case they could help us. There weren't, but none of us had our hopes high.

"Still, at least checking it was better than ignoring it," Chel said. "Come on, let's get back to –"

Then I got pushed down to the seabed and I landed on top of Chel. When I got off her, I tried to see what pushed me and all I could see was a fishing net... with me and Chel in it! And then we were being pulled up It was wrapped around us so tightly that we couldn't even use our fingers to move, let alone use them to try to make a hole. We tried to bite out holes with our teeth, but the net was too strong.

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now