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"Ships approaching!"

I woke up with everyone who hadn't been on sleeping duty. This was the first time since we left Miguel's Island two days ago that we had been call to alert. Before that, the voyage had been smooth sailing. The sea was calm, the sun was shining and we had plenty of lovely food and fresh water to enjoy. And Chel and I had to learn how to walk properly again and last night we both felt that we could run in a fun race. Well, we didn't run a lot, but we didn't fall over as much since we stopped being mermaids, so we were making progress.

"Ships approaching!" the man, who was an Arendelle soldier, repeated.

Mattias ran to see what the soldier saw and then he turned to his soldiers. "Men, arm yourselves!"

All the Arendelle soldiers armed themselves with bows and arrows, swords and shields and some maintained the cannons. Kristoff, Miguel, Tulio, Elsa and even Sven and Altivo joined them, while Chel and I looked after the kids and Olaf. I looked at the Kumandra fleet and saw that Raya and her friends were doing the same. We even saw Sisu's head in the sea.

"Don't worry," the dragon said. "My dragon buddies and I will drown them before they so much as fire a cannonball at any of you." Then her head dived in.

We were all nervous, but we kept quiet and alert as we waited for the approaching fleet to catch up with us.

Nicla approached me and whispered into my ear, "That's the Southern Isles flag."

Then I realised that the Southern Isles fleet would be looking for her and her sisters.

The first ship got closer to us and we saw a few men on it.

"Who goes there?" asked a man from the ship.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle," Elsa replied. "Who are you and what do you seek?"

"General Giese of the Southern Isles," the man said. "We are on the search for the long-lost princesses."

"Well, we have one," Elsa said. "Princess Nicla."

Then the man turned to the rest of his men. "Prepare to attack! We have a princess to rescue!"

Then Nicla rose and ran to Elsa. "No! Wait, General Giese!"

General Giese looked amazed. "Princess Nicla! Don't worry, Your Highness! We will rescue you from those –"

"Friends of mine?" Nicla said. "Perhaps we can settle this more peacefully."

"Whatever you say, Your Highness." Then Giese turned to Elsa. "Your Majesty, permission to board your boat? I swear we will come unarmed."

"Permission granted," Elsa said. Then she ordered the whole Arendelle fleet lower their weapons and their anchors down. The Southern Isles fleet did the same and so did the Kumandra fleet.

Sisu's head popped up. "What's happening?" she asked.

"The upcoming fleet is from the Southern Isles, Sisu," I told her. "They're here for their long-lost Princess Nicla. We've all lowered our weapons. Go and tell your Kumandra friends to do the same."

"Will do." Then Sisu's head lowered deep in the water.

I turned back to see Mattias and Kristoff lowering a ramp down for General Giese and some of his men to come aboard. After Mattias and his men checked them they were unarmed as they promised, which they were, they all bowed before Nicla and Elsa.

"Your Majesty, I offer you our deepest apologies for being so hostile," Giese said to Elsa.

"I forgive you all, General Giese," Elsa said.

Then Nicla told Giese and his men everything that happened from when she and her sisters were forced to leave before her uncle Hans could have them killed to being found by them right here right now.

"Very interesting," Giese said, after Nicla finished.

"What happened to the Southern Isles when you learnt that Hans had been killed which was arranged by his advisor Tzekel-Kan, General Giese?" I asked.

"We had mixed feelings," Giese said. "We never like Hans even before he tried to kill Queen Elsa of Arendelle eight years ago and we all hated living under his rule so we're glad that he's no longer king. But since his death, the Southern Isles had been without a ruler and the chief advisors sent us and more ships to go and find you and your sisters. You're the only one we found and we are sorry for what happened to your sisters."

"So, what happens now?" Olaf asked.

"Princess Nicla must return to the Southern Isles to show the chief advisors that she is alive," Giese said.

"If I'm to return, I must make two requests before I do so," Nicla said.

"What are they, Your Highness?"

"First of all, I want my friends Tulio, Chel, Benito and Altivo to come with us as we sail back. And secondly, for their good services in looking after me while I was homeless, I want to make an alliance between the Southern Isles and Arendelle and Kumandra, just like they did with New Motunti."

"Very well, Your Highness," Giese said. "But I must insist that you make it quick. The sooner we return to the Southern Isles, the better."

Then Nicla turned to Elsa and Raya and Sisu who came onboard. Giese and his men looked nervous when they saw them.

"Don't worry," Nicla said to them. "They're from Kumandra and they're my friends too." Then she turned to Elsa and Raya. "If I get chosen to be Queen of the Southern Isles, I hope that we can make an alliance with all of us. I hope our countries can put the past between us, Elsa."

"We can, Nicla," Elsa said. Then she put her hand out. "And whether you become queen or not, if you're in the Southern Isles and they let you do your part, Arendelle will gladly be in an alliance with them again. Because I trust you that much."

Nicla shook her hand.

"And Kumandra feels exactly the same," Raya said.

Then Nicla shook hands with her and Sisu as well.

Then it was time for Nicla to go back to the Southern Isles with Chel, Tulio, Benito and Altivo.

I along with everyone went to hug and say goodbye to them. I thanked Chel for looking after me when we were both mermaids and then I thanked her and Tulio for looking after my children when I couldn't.

Speaking of my children, Kasper and Rika each hugged Nicla and Benito. Then Rika ran to hug her "Auntie" Chel.

"I'm really going to miss you, Auntie Chel," Rika sobbed.

"And I'll miss you, too, Rika," Chel said. "But the good news is I'll be living in the Southern Isles and it's very close to Arendelle. I'll still be able to visit you and more often."

"Really? I'd love that!"

Chel hugged Rika one last time before she joined her family to say goodbye to one last person – their very best friend Miguel. She was the first one to hug him, followed by Benito, followed by a lick from Altivo and finally a hug from Tulio and their special handshake.

Then they boarded the boat from the Southern Isles fleet and then they waved goodbye to us as they sailed away. We waved back to them.

Then we all hugged Raya and Sisu before they re-joined the Kumandra fleet. Then we waved goodbye to each other as they sailed away.

Then we continued to sail back to Arendelle. 

Asian and Amerindian Alliances (Road to El Dorado + Frozen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now